
The IWD2 NPC Project - Appendix

This document supplements the readme, and contains information about the available NPCs.


In-Game Biography

This haughty elf is surrounded with an aura of mystery, but before long one gets an uncomfortable feeling that the man is connected to two extremist organizations: Eldreth Veluuthra, dedicated to exterminating all humans and reclaiming the elven lands; and the Shadow Druids who preach even more radical doctrine that calls for eradication of all civilizations. Just how deeply Diriel is engaged with either one remains unknown, but you suspect that his presence in the North is due to a conflict with the law. He seems to be exceptionally well-educated and bred.


Diriel (Neutral Evil, Male, Moon Elf, Druid)

Level One

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 10, INT: 13, WIS : 18, CHA: 8
Skills: Animal Empathy (1), Concentration (8), Hide (3), Move Silently (3), Search (3), Spellcraft (3), Wilderness Lore (8), Feats: Armor (2), Combat Casting.

Level Three

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 10, INT: 13, WIS: 18, CHA: 8
Skills: Animal Empathy (3), Concentration (10), Hide (3), Move Silently (3), Search (3), Spellcraft (3), Wilderness Lore (10), Feats: Armor (2), Combat Casting, Extra Wild Shape (1)

Level Six

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 10, INT: 13, WIS: 19, CHA: 8
Skills: Animal Empathy (5), Concentration (12), Hide (3), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (3), Search (3), Spellcraft (3), Wilderness Lore (12), Feats: Armor (2), Combat Casting, Extra Wild Shape (2)

Level Nine

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 10, INT: 13, WIS: 20, CHA: 8
Skills: Animal Empathy (7), Concentration (14), Hide (5), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (3), Search (3), Spellcraft (3), Wilderness Lore (15), Feats: Armor (2), Combat Casting, Extra Wild Shape (3)

Level Twelve

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 10, INT: 13, WIS: 21, CHA: 8
Skills: Animal Empathy (9), Concentration (16), Hide (6), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (3), Search (3), Spellcraft (4), Wilderness Lore (17), Feats: Armor (2), Combat Casting, Extra Wild Shape (3) Wilde Shape: Panther

Level Fifteen

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 10, INT: 13, WIS: 21, CHA: 8
Skills: Animal Empathy (11), Concentration (20), Hide (7), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (3), Search (3), Spellcraft (5), Wilderness Lore (17), Feats: Armor (2), Combat Casting, Extra Wild Shape (3) Wilde Shape: Panther; Wilde Shape: Shambling Mount


Diriel is an evil influence in the party, but far from wild. His deep-seated hatred of everything and everyone non-elven causes a number of conflicts. His approach to arguments is as levelheaded as it gets; his conclusions are always reached based on examining the available data. Diriel is the only NPC that withholds some of his friendship talks based on race. However, as a druid he is useful in the Northern wilderness, and can help out the party when negotiating with other nature-loving folk or find its way through an enchanted forest.


In-Game Biography

Hildury, a product of raids, slavery and brutality comes from an Orc tribe of Cutlass, and had once led a life of a typical raider. Her fate had changed when a knight of the Order of the Radiant Heart, Sir Wind Nord, captured her on a battlefield. The Paladin healed the dying orc woman; this action and (what Hildury describes as wise) words made Hildury repent and seek redemption. Nord, a rough but perceptive man, saw her sincerity. His superiors did not, but allowed him to be her liege, and therefore carry responsibility for any tress path she commits. Hildury entered this employ with zeal of a neophyte, not out of fear of being hanged for banditry. Her loyalty to Sir Nord is absolute and she'd rather kill herself than fail him.


Hildury: (Chaotic Good, Female, Half-orc, Barbarian)

Level One

STR: 18, DEX: 14, CON: 14, INT: 8, WIS: 12, CHA: 8
Skills: Concentrate (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (2), Wilderness Lore (3) Feats: Armor (2), Great Fortitude

Level Three

STR: 18, DEX: 14, CON: 14, INT: 8, WIS: 12, CHA: 8
Skills: Concentrate (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (3), Move Silently (2), Wilderness Lore (3) Feats: Armor (2), Great Fortitude, Power Attack

Level Six

STR: 18, DEX: 14, CON: 15, INT: 8, WIS: 12, CHA: 8
Skills: Concentrate (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (6), Move Silently (2), Wilderness Lore (3) Feats: Armor (2), Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Cleave (1)

Level Nine

STR: 18, DEX: 14, CON: 16, INT: 8, WIS: 12, CHA: 8
Skills: Concentrate (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (10), Move Silently (2), Wilderness Lore (3) Feats: Armor (2), Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Cleave (1), Extra Rage (1)

Level Twelve

STR: 19, DEX: 14, CON: 16, INT: 8, WIS: 12, CHA: 8
Skills: Concentrate (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (13), Move Silently (2), Wilderness Lore (3) Feats: Armor (2), Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Cleave (2), Extra Rage (1)

Level Fifteen

STR: 19, DEX: 14, CON: 16, INT: 8, WIS: 12, CHA: 8
Skills: Concentrate (3), Hide (3), Intimidate (13), Move Silently (2), Wilderness Lore (3) Feats: Armor (2), Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Cleave (2), Extra Rage (2)


Hildury is an enthusiastic, naïve woman, who feels deep remorse about her past, and is determined to find redemption. She does not know the answers, but is very willing to search for them, exploring every facet of good and evil that she could grasp. Hildury does it in a somewhat childlike fashion, and her communication skills leave something to be desired. However, she sometimes exhibits primeval wisdom. It also does not take long to see that she is very self-conscious about her looks, and whether the 'goodly' races perceive her as ugly.


In-Game Biography

Jaemal hails from Mulhorand, a country in the East, where gods and avatars of the Mulhorandian pantheon mix with mortals more freely than elsewhere on Faerun. Jaemal was born with a share of divine blood to a slave woman. A prized possession, he was cut at an early age, in hopes to catalyze the arcane gift not uncommon in beings of such ancestry. While waiting on the magic to manifest itself, Jaemal had undergone a rigorous military training. Finally, Jaemal's innate ability to channel magic did blossom. The priests, who supervise the slave trade in Mulhorand, immediately sold the eunuch to a mage of high standing. Eventually, Jaemal escaped his new master. Enjoying his new-found freedom, Jaemal traveled, hiring out as a mercenary, and, at length ended up in Icewind Dale.


Jaemal (Neutral Good, Male, Aasimar, Sorcerer):

Level One

STR: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 12, CHA: 16,
Skills: Alchemy (2), Bluff (3), Concentration (5), Diplomacy (3), Hide (1), Intimidate (3), Knowledge (Arcana) (3), Move Silently (2), Search (2), Spellcraft (2), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Deflect Arrows

Level Three

STR: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 12, CHA: 16,
Skills: Alchemy (2), Bluff (3), Concentration (11), Diplomacy (3), Hide (1), Intimidate (3), Knowledge (Arcana) (5), Move Silently (2), Search (2), Spellcraft (2), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Deflect Arrows, Combat Casting

Level Six

STR: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 12, CHA: 17,
Skills: Alchemy (2), Bluff (3), Concentration (13), Diplomacy (5), Hide (1), Intimidate (3), Knowledge (Arcana) (7), Move Silently (2), Search (2), Spellcraft (2), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Deflect Arrows, Combat Casting, Rapid Shot

Level Nine

STR: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 12, CHA: 18,
Skills: Alchemy (2), Bluff (3), Concentration (13), Diplomacy (5), Hide (1), Intimidate (3), Knowledge (Arcana) (9), Move Silently (2), Search (2), Spellcraft (8), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Deflect Arrows, Combat Casting, Rapid Shot, Spell Penetration

Level Twelve

STR: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 12, CHA: 18
Skills: Alchemy (2), Bluff (4), Concentration (15), Diplomacy (6), Hide (1), Intimidate (3), Knowledge (Arcana) (9), Move Silently (2), Search (2), Spellcraft (10), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Deflect Arrows, Combat Casting, Rapid Shot, Spell Penetration, Spirit of Flame

Level Fifteen

STR: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 12, WIS: 12, CHA: 19
Skills: Alchemy (2), Bluff (6), Concentration (17), Diplomacy (8), Hide (1), Intimidate (3), Knowledge (Arcana) (9), Move Silently (2), Search (2), Spellcraft (10), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Deflect Arrows, Combat Casting, Rapid Shot, Spell Penetration, Spirit of Flame, Aqua Mortis


Jaemal is a complex man, who refuses to be a wounded soul, despite his painful past. Gifted with the mysterious talent for sorcery, Jaemal is interested in the nature and root of his powers. One of his obsessions is finding the missing pieces of a burned puzzle – his life story before adulthood. Jaemal is prone to quest for answers to many questions that do not have answers. What sets a man free and what makes a man well… a man are the subjects he ponders often. He seeks friendship and acceptance, and can be long-winded – a consequence of many years of isolation. Jaemal is not immune to the beckoning of love, though it makes him vulnerable to taunts.

Nikosh Bracegirdle

In-Game Biography

Nikosh Bracegirdle comes from a large halfling community in Chessenta that occupies the Adler's Swamp and consists almost entirely of bards and performers of various sorts. As a youngster, Nikosh showed no talent for singing or juggling, but he contributed to the commune's well-being by cutting purses during the shows. Later, he had discovered his true calling, after meeting a peddler: the halfling is gifted with a rare ability to tell genuine antique jewelry from fake. Nikosh, with his relations' blessing, started his own antique trade, and later acquired a rather more prosaic talent to produce... er... copies of valuable artwork. This trade proved not as profitable as he had hoped, and in fact, he got into troubles with the authorities quite often. To spare the Barony grief, Nikosh left Chessenta and eventually set up a shop of his own in Waterdeep. He traveled North in search of the steady supply of scrimshaw and local artifacts.


Nikosh Bracegirdle (True Neutral, Male, Lightfoot Halfling, Rogue):

Level One

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 16, WIS: 11, CHA: 9
Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (1), Disable Device (7), Hide (5), Knowledge Arcana (5), Move Silently (11), Open Lock (7), Search (7), Use magic Device (3) Feats: Armor (1), Rapid Shot, Strong Back.

Level Three

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 16, WIS: 11, CHA: 9
Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (1), Disable Device (9), Hide (9), Knowledge Arcana (6), Move Silently (11), Open Lock (9), Search (9), Use magic Device (5) Feats: Armor (1), Rapid Shot, Strong Back, Dodge.

Level Three Rogue/Level Three Diviner

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 17, WIS: 11, CHA: 9
Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (9), Disable Device (9), Hide (9), Knowledge Arcana (6), Move Silently (11), Open Lock (9), Search (9), Spellcraft (11), Use magic Device (5) Feats: Armor (1), Rapid Shot, Strong Back, Dodge, Armored Arcana (1), Combat Casting

Level Three Rogue/Level Six Diviner

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 18, WIS: 11, CHA: 9
Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (13), Disable Device (12), Hide (9), Knowledge Arcana (8), Move Silently (11), Open Lock (9), Search (12), Spellcraft (14), Use magic Device (5) Feats: Armor (1), Rapid Shot, Strong Back, Dodge, Armored Arcana (2), Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude

Level Three Rogue/Level Nine Diviner

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 11, CHA: 9
Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (17), Disable Device (12), Hide (9), Knowledge Arcana (15), Move Silently (11), Open Lock (9), Search (12), Spellcraft (18), Use magic Device (5) Feats: Armor (1), Rapid Shot, Strong Back, Dodge, Armored Arcana (2), Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude, Spell Penetration (1)

Level Three Rogue/Level Twelve Diviner

STR: 12, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 11, CHA: 9
Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (21), Disable Device (12), Hide (9), Knowledge Arcana (22), Move Silently (11), Open Lock (9), Search (12), Spellcraft (22), Use magic Device (5) Feats: Armor (1), Rapid Shot, Strong Back, Dodge, Armored Arcana (2), Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude, Spell Penetration (2), Aegis of Rime


Nikosh is a classic reluctant adventurer with an eye on profits and great reluctance to die a hero. He brings common sense and down to earth attitude to the party. He also likes to cook, eat and feed his companions. However there is also an obsessive side to Nikosh. He is a talented relic hunter, and will not shy away from petty theft and forgery if there is a prized artifact to be won. And if that's not enough, Nikosh's biggest dream is to become a respectable trader, buy a villa in Chessenta, stuff it full of gorgeous art and marry a nice halfling girl. Oh, when he is provoked, Nikosh does not become a dangerous foe. Rather he is like a stone in your boot: nothing really, but terribly annoying.

Sir Wind Nord

In-Game Biography

At first glance, Wind Nord does not seem to have a past, or at least a past of any interest. By his speech he is a commoner, who compensates for his lack of refinement with a healthy dose of common sense. His enormous strength, perhaps, assured him a position of a squire in the Order of the Radiant Heart, and he must have distinguished himself over the years to become a full-fledged Knight of the Order. From time to time under Nord's gruff exterior one can glean a hint of a more educated man. The paladin credits it to some of the nobles' idiocy rubbing off on him. Wind Nord currently travels with a half-orc squire, Hildury, protecting the weak of the Savage Frontier.


Sir Wind Nord (Lawful Good, Male, Human, Paladin of Helm):

Level One

STR: 17, DEX: 10, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 13, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (5), Diplomacy (5), Intimidate (1), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Armor (3), Lightning Reflexes, Toughness (1)

Level Three

STR: 17, DEX: 10, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 13, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (7), Diplomacy (7), Intimidate (1), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Armor (3), Lightning Reflexes, Toughness (1), Power Attack

Level Six

STR: 18, DEX: 10, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 13, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (8), Diplomacy (10), Intimidate (2), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Armor (3), Lightning Reflexes, Toughness (1), Power Attack, Iron Will

Level Nine

STR: 19, DEX: 10, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 13, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (9), Diplomacy (13), Intimidate (3), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Armor (3), Lightning Reflexes, Toughness (1), Power Attack, Iron Will, Cleave(1)

Level Twelve

STR: 20, DEX: 10, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 13, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (10), Diplomacy (16), Intimidate (4), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Armor (3), Lightning Reflexes, Toughness (1), Power Attack, Iron Will, Cleave(2)

Level Fifteen

STR: 20, DEX: 10, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 13, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (10), Diplomacy (16), Intimidate (7), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Armor (3), Lightning Reflexes, Toughness (1), Power Attack, Iron Will, Cleave(2), Improved Critical


Well, if you took Gorion along… and Gorion was a loud-mouthed, rough and good-hearted drill sergeant. Or if Jaheira was a man minus the druid part…. Got the picture?


In-Game Biography

Born in the famed city of Silverymoon, Peony often says that the ruler of her native city--Lady Alustriel--is her role-model. The gravity of these words is somewhat undermined by a giggle and a story of some mad endeavor that the gnomish maiden attempted to impress the Lady. Without exception, the scheme either did not work, or was undermined by Grandma, a mage almost as formidable as any of the Seven Sisters in Peony's words. Perhaps it is so, since you get a distinct impression that you'd need someone formidable in charge of raising such a willful and magically gifted child. Peony's talent seems to be considerable, but sporadic and largely untrained, despite Grandma's best efforts. She obviously prefers casting spells with flashy, bright emanations of magical energy, and those that come easy to her. "Sheesh, because I wanted to!" is the best reason you can get out of her for leaving Silverymoon or setting out for Icewind Dale.


Peony (Chaotic Neutral, Female, Rock Gnome, Illusionist):

Level One

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 11, INT: 17, WIS: 10, CHA: 14

Skills: Alchemy (9), Bluff (2), Concentration (8), Diplomacy (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (2), Knowledge (Arcana) (7), Move Silently (2), Search (2), Spellcraft (7)
Feats: Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting

Level Three

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 11, INT: 17, WIS: 10, CHA: 14

Skills: Alchemy (11), Bluff (2), Concentration (10), Diplomacy (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (2), Knowledge (Arcana) (9), Move Silently (2), Search (3), Spellcraft (9)
Feats: Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting, Iron Will

Level Six

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 11, INT: 18, WIS: 10, CHA: 14

Skills: Alchemy (15), Bluff (3), Concentration (13), Diplomacy (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (2), Knowledge (Arcana) (13), Move Silently (2), Search (4), Spellcraft (13)
Feats: Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting, Iron Will, Rapid Shot, Spell Penetration (1)

Level Nine

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 18, WIS: 10, CHA: 14

Skills: Alchemy (18), Bluff (5), Concentration (17), Diplomacy (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (2), Knowledge (Arcana) (16), Move Silently (2), Search (4), Spellcraft (16)
Feats: Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting, Iron Will, Rapid Shot, Spell Penetration (1), Aqua Mortis

Level Twelve

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 10, CHA: 14

Skills: Alchemy (20), Bluff (9), Concentration (18), Diplomacy (2), Hide (2), Intimidate (2), Knowledge (Arcana) (18), Move Silently (2), Search (4), Spellcraft (18)
Feats: Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting, Iron Will, Rapid Shot, Spell Penetration (2), Aqua Mortis, Spirit of Flame

Level Fifteen

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 10, CHA: 14

Skills: Alchemy (20), Bluff (11), Concentration (18), Diplomacy (7), Hide (2), Intimidate (2), Knowledge (Arcana) (18), Move Silently (2), Search (4), Spellcraft (18)
Feats: Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting, Iron Will, Rapid Shot, Spell Penetration (2), Aqua Mortis, Spirit of Flame, Scion of Storms, Aegis of Rime


Peony is one of those sunny types with no clouds on the horizon whatsoever. She's neither particularly good, nor particularly evil, but always a source of comic relief. I tried really hard to rob her of the 'depth of character' and preclude any 'she actually has a tragic past' or 'unsuspected wisdom'. She is there to be a brat! If you ever spot any illegal inklings of sophistication, report them to me immediately!


In-Game Biography

Prachi was born to a noble family in the Kuong Kingdom jungles in fabled Malatra. A birth like many others, but strange things kept happening when the house astrologer tried to draw the girl's horoscope to determine her Path and Future. Fearing that Prachi is a Star-lost, the astrologer advised the parents to bring the girl to the Temple City of Ratneshwar. The wise priests there would be able to determine the appropriate Path of Duty for the girl. Upon years of study, the sages declared that Prachi should undertake a perilous pilgrimage and she embarked on a long journey starting in the port city of Marabaya. Her road eventually led her to the Spine of the World, a place her teachers say was one of the world's beginnings.


Prachi (Lawful Neutral, Female, Human, Monk of the Old Order):

* As a Monk Prachi also gets the usual Monk's perks: Deflect Arrows, Improved Evasion etc.

Level One

STR: 15, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 8,

Skills: Concentration (1), Hide (6), Move Silently (6), Wilderness lore (3)
Feats: Stunning Attack, Toughness (2)

Level Three

STR: 15, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 8,

Skills: Concentration (1), Diplomacy (3), Hide (7), Move Silently (7), Wilderness lore (3)
Feats: Stunning Attack, Toughness (2), Dodge

Level Six

STR: 16, DEX: 16, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 8,

Skills: Concentration (1), Diplomacy (4), Hide (11), Move Silently (11), Wilderness lore (3)
Feats: Stunning Attack, Toughness (2), Dirty Fighting, Dodge

Level Nine

STR: 16, DEX: 16, CON: 13, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 8,

Skills: Concentration (1), Diplomacy (5), Hide (15), Move Silently (15), Wilderness lore (3)
Feats: Stunning Attack, Toughness (2), Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Greater Fortitude

Level Twelve

STR: 16, DEX: 16, CON: 14, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 8,

Skills: Concentration (2), Diplomacy (8), Hide (18), Move Silently (18), Wilderness lore (3)
Feats: Stunning Attack, Toughness (2), Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Iron Will

Level Fifteen

STR: 16, DEX: 16, CON: 14, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 8,

Skills: Concentration (2), Diplomacy (11), Hide (21), Move Silently (21), Wilderness lore (3)
Feats: Stunning Attack, Toughness (2), Dirty Fighting, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightening Reflexes


Prachi is a conflicted person who overrides that conflict by sheer force of will, meditation and iron discipline. While she does not have the stability of character and intelligence to understand the teachings she was exposed to, she does her best to stick to them, more so because she is all alone in the West. Because of the uncertainty coming from so many souls waking up in her subconscious she may well appear easy to sway, but this is a false impression. She tries to establish a peaceful relationship with other NPCs. If you are looking for a calmer NPC, Prachi is a good choice, but if you are easily irritated by the talks about reincarnations and inner peace, you might want to avoid her.


In-Game Biography

You were entrusted with delivering Rizdaer the Drow to Lord Ulbrec of Ten Towns for a small fee. Apparently the drow was passing himself for a half-drow in Neverwinter and soldiering for the garrison. While they did not see through his crude disguise, Rizdaer's barrack mates did not like serving with a drow-spawn of any kind. Eventually, an ugly fight broke out. By the time an officer happened by, two of Rizdaer's opponents were slain. Rizdaer was to be hanged, but at the time, the priests of Tyr were collecting the able-bodied criminals to be sent to the besieged Ten Towns where they would get a choice to fight their way to redemption or die in lieu of execution. From what he told you, Rizdaer was left for dead after a failed drow raid and survived with the help of some village kids and a farmer's wife. He seems to think that the Surfacers are little different from the drow, if more hypocritical, though he likes the notion that men have better station. There are obviously blank spots to be filled in his past.


Rizdaer (Lawful Evil, Male, Drow Elf, Fighter):

Level One

STR: 17, DEX: 17, CON: 15, INT: 10, WIS: 9, CHA: 12,

Skills: Concentration (2), Hide (1), Intimidate (2), Move Silently (1), Search (1)
Feats: Dodge, Toughness (1)

Level Three

STR: 17, DEX: 17, CON: 15, INT: 10, WIS: 9, CHA: 12,

Skills: Concentration (2), Hide (1), Intimidate (4), Move Silently (1), Search (1)
Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Toughness (1), Two-weapon fighting

Level Six

STR: 17, DEX: 18, CON: 15, INT: 10, WIS: 9, CHA: 12,

Skills: Concentration (2), Hide (1), Intimidate (7), Move Silently (1), Search (1)
Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Dirty Fighting, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Toughness (1), Two-weapon fighting

Level Nine

STR: 17, DEX: 18, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 9, CHA: 12,

Skills: Concentration (2), Hide (1), Intimidate (10), Move Silently (1), Search (1)
Feats: Ambidexterity, Dodge, Dirty Fighting, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness (1), Two-weapon fighting

Level Twelve

STR: 18, DEX: 18, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 9, CHA: 12,

Skills: Concentration (2), Hide (1), Intimidate (13), Move Silently (1), Search (1)
Feats: Ambidexterity, Cleave (2), Dodge, Dirty Fighting, Exotic Weapon: Bastard Sword (1), Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness (1), Two-weapon fighting

Level Fifteen

STR: 18, DEX: 18, CON: 16, INT: 10, WIS: 9, CHA: 12,

Skills: Concentration (2), Hide (1), Intimidate (17), Move Silently (1), Search (1)
Feats: Ambidexterity, Cleave (2), Dodge, Dirty Fighting, Exotic Weapon: Bastard Sword (3), Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness (1), Two-weapon fighting


Rizdaer is strong, stubborn, brooding and more than a bit of 'kill them all, and let the gods sort them out.' He plays a strange pride-humility game in the talks with the main character, most especially if she is a female. He will fill in some blanks for you, but there will be more, much more in his long life that you'll be only able to guess at. Rizdaer is a refugee, and has a love-hate relationship with all things on the surface. On one hand he wants to belong, on another he seems to derive dark satisfaction from not belonging.


In-Game Biography

In her own words Salomeya Orcini hails from Turmish, but was born in the Calim desert to an elven mother and an aristocratic outlaw. The fortunes turned around, and her father had regained his high station, but Salomeya's mother did not trust the Calimshites, so she fostered her daughter in Turmish before forever disappearing from Salomeya's life. Having grown up, Salomeya desired a place of power and traveled to Calimshan. There she let the circumstances of her birth remain a loosely guarded secret, and used it along with her considerable beauty to ingratiate herself with various nobles at her half-brother's court. Salomeya hired herself out as a bard, but before long she became acquainted with the arts of assassination and spying. It seems that one of the complex intrigues went awry, and she fled. From her tales, her life continued to be a colorful blend of hair-rising escapades and passionate affairs until she ended up in the North.


Salomeya (Chaotic Evil, Female, Half-elf, Bard):

Level One

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 10, INT: 14, WIS: 12, CHA: 16

Skills: Alchemy (7), Bluff (7), Concentration (2), Diplomacy (5), Hide (2), Intimidate (3), Move Silently (2), Pick Pocket (4), Search (3), Use Magic Device (5), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Lingering Song.

Level Three

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 10, INT: 14, WIS: 12, CHA: 16

Skills: Alchemy (7), Bluff (9), Concentration (10), Diplomacy (7), Hide (2), Intimidate (3), Move Silently (2), Pick Pocket (4), Search (3), Use Magic Device (5), Wilderness Lore (1) Feats: Lingering Song, Combat Casting

Level Six

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 10, INT: 14, WIS: 12, CHA: 17

Skills: Alchemy (7), Bluff (11), Concentration (12), Diplomacy (9), Hide (2), Intimidate (5), Move Silently (2), Pick Pocket (4), Search (3), Spellcraft (5), Use Magic Device (5), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Lingering Song, Combat Casting, Great Fortitude

Level Nine

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 10, INT: 14, WIS: 12, CHA: 18

Skills: Alchemy (7), Bluff (13), Concentration (13), Diplomacy (14), Hide (2), Intimidate (6), Move Silently (2), Pick Pocket (4), Search (3), Spellcraft (11), Use Magic Device (5), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Lingering Song, Combat Casting, Deflect Arrows, Great Fortitude

Level Twelve

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 10, INT: 14, WIS: 12, CHA: 19

Skills: Alchemy (13), Bluff (14), Concentration (14), Diplomacy (14), Hide (2), Intimidate (6), Move Silently (2), Pick Pocket (4), Search (3), Spellcraft (15), Use Magic Device (5), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Lingering Song, Combat Casting, Deflect Arrows, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative

Level Fifteen

STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 10, INT: 14, WIS: 12, CHA: 19

Skills: Alchemy (15), Bluff (16), Concentration (16), Diplomacy (16), Hide (2), Intimidate (8), Move Silently (2), Pick Pocket (4), Search (3), Spellcraft (15), Use Magic Device (5), Wilderness Lore (1)
Feats: Lingering Song, Combat Casting, Deflect Arrows, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will


Salomeya is my personal spin-off from BG Safana. They share some common background and treats, with Salomeya's personality less manipulative, but more mocking. She cares about her craft and takes pride in her art of being brutally honest. Salomeya hates and ridicules anything that is cute, sweet, mushy, nice, etc. She's prone to perceive her own view as an absolute truth. Why the adoring world did not kneel to her as of yet is a bit of a mystery.


In-Game Biography

Valeero, a Priestess of Lathander, arrived from Neverwinter to Luskan ahead of her regiment to ensure that the rare cooperation between Luskan and Neverwinter will remain cooperation, and that Luskaners do not try anything that an ally does not expect from an ally. The energetic priestess soon discovered that one of the acolytes she brought along was far defter in handling the diplomatic intrigues than herself. Valeero left the said acolyte in charge of wheeling and dealing with Luskan and set out for the Icewind Dale with the intention to join into the fight and rendezvous with Captain Mariner men in Targos. Looking into these sharp eyes, and handsome, tanned, almost ageless face, you quickly get the idea that you have acquired an assertive, driven companion. It also does not take long to notice that in addition to her expertise Valeero brings to the table a pocketful of sayings, both tried and true, and the ones she had probably invented on the spot. Something in her manner hints at the past hardships, now overcome; it is also evident that presently Valeero knows joy and fulfillment.


Valeero (Neutral Good, Female, Human, Priestess of Lathander):

Level One

STR: 14, DEX: 12, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (8), Diplomacy (1), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (1), Spellcraft (3), Wilderness Lore (3)
Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Turning, Luck of Heroes

Level Three

STR: 14, DEX: 12, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 16, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (10), Diplomacy (3), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (1), Spellcraft (3), Wilderness Lore (3)
Feats: Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude, Improved Turning, Luck of Heroes

Level Six

STR: 14, DEX: 12, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 17, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (13), Diplomacy (5), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (1), Spellcraft (4), Wilderness Lore (3)
Feats: Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude, Improved Turning, Lightning Reflexes, Luck of Heroes

Level Nine

STR: 14, DEX: 12, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 18, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (15), Diplomacy (8), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (1), Spellcraft (5), Wilderness Lore (3)
Feats: Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Turning, Lightning Reflexes, Luck of Heroes

Level Twelve

STR: 14, DEX: 12, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 19, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (18), Diplomacy (10), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (1), Spellcraft (6), Wilderness Lore (3)
Feats: Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Turning, Lightning Reflexes, Luck of Heroes, Spell Penetration (1)

Level Fifteen

STR: 14, DEX: 12, CON: 12, INT: 10, WIS: 19, CHA: 12

Skills: Bluff (1), Concentration (19), Diplomacy (15), Hide (1), Intimidate (1), Move Silently (1), Spellcraft (6), Wilderness Lore (3)
Feats: Combat Casting, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Turning, Lightning Reflexes, Luck of Heroes, Spell Penetration (2)


Valeero is strong, pragmatic, and not the type that cries over spilt milk. She is a mature person, which sometimes leads to clashes with the less responsible party members who reject her overly nurturing attitude. She also has a fondness for proverbs and sayings.