Item Randomiser

A Gibberlings Three Mod
Author: Fredrik Lindgren aka Wisp aka Irrbloss.
On the web: Home page and Forum.

Version 6.8 – Check for the most recent version.
Languages: English, Polish (partial translation).
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.


Item Randomiser is a large-scale random treasure mod for Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II. The mod can randomise up to several hundred items in Baldur's Gate (including TotSC) and up to several hundred more in Baldur's Gate II (including ToB). The randomised items can be found throughout the game world over the course of the game.

Item randomiser features two modes of randomisation:


Item Randomiser is available in full for

Additionally, Item Randomiser is available in Mode 2 for regular Baldur's Gate, provided TotSC is installed. Mode 1 is unavailable due to what appears to be technical limitations and TotSC is required for basic engine functionality.

Item Randomiser should generally be compatible with other mods. Unless otherwise noted, Item Randomiser is not compatible with conversion mods. Item Randomiser can be installed together with such mods, but it will only affect the original content. New items or areas added by the conversion mod will not be affected.

In terms of installation order, Item Randomiser should be installed last or close to last. Specifically, it should be installed after any mods which move or remove items. Doing otherwise can potentially result in two or more copies of the same item being found in the game world.

Detailed below are the currently known compatibility issues between Item Randomiser and other mods.

Cursed Item Revisions
If Cursed Item Revisions is installed the spear Backbiter (renamed Revenger by Cursed Item Revisions) will be randomised as a tier 26 item in BG1 and as a tier 2 item in BG2.
The randomisation option "Randomise the appearance of cursed items" is conceptually incompatible with Cursed Item Revisions.

Dungeon-Be-Gone allows the player to skip the initial dungeon in Baldur's Gate II. It is in this dungeon that Mode 1 of Item Randomiser carries out the randomisation process. Leaving the first area before the randomisation is completed will abort the randomisation process and prevent items from appearing in the game world. This problem can be avoided entirely by waiting until the randomisation process is completed before speaking to Jasper. Mode 2 of Item Randomiser is unaffected by this issue. There are no random items to be found in Irenicus' Dungeon.

Item Revisions
If the main component of Item Revisions is installed the Ring of Djinni Summoning will be randomised as a tier 4 item.

Neh'taniel NPC
One of Neh'taniel's banters is triggered by the shield Saving Grace +3. To avoid problems, this shield is not randomised if Neh'taniel is installed.

Spellhold Gauntlet
Spellhold Gauntlet offers the player an alternate way out of the maze beneath Spellhold. In taking this alternate route, it is possibly to acquire the items you would normally find on your way through the maze. In order to avoid possible issues with item duplication and the like, no items normally found in Spellhold will be randomised if Spellhold Gauntlet is installed.

If SpellPack (beta 6 or later) is installed Mode 2 of Item Randomiser will randomise a number of SpellPack scrolls along with the regular scrolls (added to the game without having been removed from anywhere), provided the option to randomise scrolls is enabled.

Sword Coast Stratagems: Skip Candlekeep
The Sword Coast Stratagems component 'Skip Candlekeep' potentially allows the player to leave Candlekeep earlier than what would otherwise be possible. Leaving Candlekeep before the randomisation process is completed will result in the randomisation process being aborted. Any problems along these lines can be avoided by waiting until the randomisation process is completed before talking to Gorion and choosing to leave Candlekeep. Please note that the game tends to be paused while you are in dialogue and any time spent as such will not count towards the time needed for the randomisation to be completed. Mode 2 of Item Randomiser is unaffected by this issue. There are no random items to be found in Candlekeep.

Tactics: Improved Sahuagin City
The Sahuagin Priestess wearing the Cloak of Mirroring only performs certain scripted actions if the cloak is in her possession. To avoid causing problems, Item Randomiser will not randomise the Cloak of Mirroring if this component is installed.

NPC mods and other mods

The mods listed below make certain assumptions about the locations of certain items. E.g. Kivan NPC assumes that the Elven Court Bow will be found in the de'Arnise keep and Tactics assumes that Layene is in possession of the Staff of the Magi. If these items are removed, it may be possible for the NPCs involved to behave oddly or unrealistically. If one or more of these mods are installed, Item Randomiser will ask you if you would like to skip randomising these items. If you answer y (for yes), Item Randomiser will leave the items at their regular locations. If you answer n (for no), the items will be randomised and you will most likely find them somewhere else.

Beyond the Law
Kova comments on the armour Skin of the Ghoul when it is found in the undead village beneath Athkatla. If the armour is found somewhere else, Kova will not comment on it unless you enter the undead village after finding the armour.

BG1 NPC Project
Imoen comments on the diamond found in the hollow tree in the area Lion's Way. If the diamond is found somewhere else, Imoen will not comment on it unless you return to the area Lion's Way after finding a diamond.

Kivan and Deheriana Companions for BG2
Kivan comments on the Elven Court Bow when it is found in the de'Arnise Keep. If the bow is found somewhere else, Kivan will not comment on it unless you enter the right area of the de'Arnise Keep after finding the bow.

Rogue Rebalancing: Shadow Thief Improvements
Among other things, the Rogue Rebalancing component 'Shadow Thief Improvements' enhances the combat AI of Aran Linvail. This improved AI assumes that Aran is wearing the Amulet of Power and the Ring of Protection +2. For optimal performance, it is recommended that these items are not randomised if you intend to fight Aran Linvail.

Tactics: Improved Twisted Rune
Layene's combat AI is written under the assumption that Layene is in possession of the Staff of the Magi. Among other things, she will go invisible after each spell she casts. Layene will still do all these things even if she no longer has the staff in her possession.

Xan comments on the Ring of Protection +2 if it is obtained from Aran Linvail in chapter 3. If the ring is found elsewhere, Xan will most likely not comment on it at all.



The Item Randomiser mod is packaged and installed with WeiDU and is distributed as a self-extracting archive. To install, simply double-click the archive and follow the instructions on screen.

Alternatively the files can be extracted from the archive using WinRAR. If properly extracted, you should have a randomiser folder and setup-randomiser.exe in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-randomiser.exe and follow the instructions on screen.

Please run setup-randomiser.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.

Mac OS X

If the mod was previously installed, uninstall it before extracting the new version. The Item Randomiser mod is packaged and installed with WeiDU. To install, simply extract the contents of the mod into your game folder. If properly extracted, you should have a randomiser folder, setup-randomiser, and setup-randomiser.command in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-randomiser.command and follow the instructions on screen.


Extract the contents of the mod to the folder of the game you wish to modify. Download the latest version of WeiDU for Linux from and copy WeiDU, WeInstall and tolower to somewhere in your path (/usr/local/bin/ or /usr/bin/ , for example). Following that, open a terminal, cd to your game installation directory, run 'tolower' and answer Y to both queries.

You can avoid running the second option (linux.ini) if you've already run it once in the same directory. To save time, the archive is already tolowered, so there's no need to run the first option (lowercasing file names) either if you've extracted only this mod since the last time you lowercased filenames. If you're unsure, running tolower and choosing both options is the safe bet.

Run WeInstall randomiser in your game folder to install the mod. Then run wine bgmain.exe and start playing.


Randomisation options

All the components listed under "randomisation options" need to be installed before the main component. They can not be installed after it.

Randomly replace the WIS tome normally found in TotSC with one of the 6 available types
TotSC only
If this component is installed, it will make the main component randomly change the Tome of Understanding normally found in Durlag's Tower into any one of the 6 types of Tomes found in the game. This means you have an equal chance of finding e.g. a second STR or INT Tome as you do of finding a third WIS Tome. For Mode 1, the type of Tome is determined when you first enter the area where you will find the Tome in your current game. For Mode 2, the type of Tome is determined when the main component is installed.

Randomly not randomise items
If this component is installed, it will make the main component randomly skip randomising items. These skipped items will be found at their regular locations. When you install this component you will be asked to input the chance for having items randomly not be randomised. Items are randomly not randomised before they are randomly lost. Please note that this randomisation is done when the mod is installed, even if you use Mode 1.

Kangaxx further sealed away
BG2 only
If this component is installed, the lich-guarded sarcophaguses that hold Kangaxx' body parts are altered to require ward stones to be opened. Each sarcophagus requires a ward stone, which is consumed upon being used, and the two ward stones are randomised across the game world. Unlike other items the two ward stones will never be lost. To be able to open the sarcophaguses, you need to have spoken with Kangaxx and received his quest. Once you have spoken with Kangaxx and are in possession of a ward stone you can open a sarcophagus and fight the guardian lich as usual.

Randomise scrolls
If this component is installed, a number of additional tiers of items will be randomised by the main component. These additional tiers consist entirely of mage scrolls.

Randomise the heads of the Flail of Ages
BG2 only
If this component is installed, the main component will randomly distribute the three heads of the Flail of Ages across locations in the de'Arnise Keep. Unlike other items the three heads of the Flail of Ages will never be lost.

More Spell Shield scrolls
BG2 only
If this component is installed it will increase the number of Spell Shield scrolls carried by the duergar merchant by 2 (for a total of 3). If the duergar merchant does not carry Spell Shield 3 scrolls will be added. There is normally only one scroll of Spell Shield available in SoA. This component does not need to be installed before the "Randomise scrolls" component.

Randomise the appearance of cursed items
If this component is installed it will result in the appearance of cursed items being randomised by the main component. The cursed nature of the items will not be apparent until they have been identified. Please note that this randomisation is done when the mod is installed, even if you use Mode 1.

Main Component

Starting with version 6, the mod can be reinstalled with the option of preserving saved game compatibility. Choosing to preserve saved game compatibility allows you to reinstall the mod without having to start a new game. However, it also imposes the following limitations:

Randomise items: Mode 1: Randomise with in-game scripts. No items are lost
This subcomponent uses Mode 1 to randomise the items. Mode 1 can randomise up to 126 items in BG1 and up to 178 items in BG2.
All items that are to be randomised are removed from their regular locations when the mod is installed. All items that were successfully removed are randomly assigned a new location during the randomisation process at the start of a new game. To function properly, Mode 1 requires you to start a new game after you install the mod. The randomisation takes place in the starting area upon the start of a new game and requires approximately 2–3 minutes to be completed. Please note that the exact time may vary and may be dependent on the specifications of your computer. In BG1, randomisation takes place in the main area of Candlekeep. In BG2, randomisation takes place in Irenicus' Dungeon, after the initial cutscene and auto-save. If the new game is started in ToB the randomisation will be carried out in the initial area; either the Grove of the Spirit Heads or Watcher's Keep. Leaving the starting area before the randomisation is completed will prevent some items from appearing in the game world. A rat or squirrel (depending on the setting) will squeak to let you know when the randomisation is complete. The items are re-randomised if you start a new game.

Randomise items: Mode 1: Randomise with in-game scripts. Some items are lost
This subcomponent works like the other subcomponent using Mode 1, except there is a chance per item that some items are lost during the randomisation. Lost items will not appear in the game world until the items are re-randomised. When you install this component you will be asked to input the chance for having items randomly be lost. Prior to version 4 of Item Randomiser, the chance was pre-set to 10 %.

Randomise items: Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. No items are lost
This subcomponent uses Mode 2 to randomise the items. Mode 2 can randomise up to 142 items in BG1 and up to 239 items in BG2.
All affected items are randomised when the mod is installed, as opposed to Mode 1, which does it when you start a new game. This randomisation will be significantly faster than the one done by Mode 1. You need to start a new game after installing the mod. Items are re-randomised when the mod is re-installed. Starting a new game will not re-randomise the items. Additionally, the greater flexibility of this method allows more items to be randomised. Creatures who receive a random item are also equipped with it if the new equipment is better than the old equipment and their class/kit/alignment/race does not prevent them from using the item.

Randomise items: Mode 2: Randomise with WeiDU. Some items are lost
This subcomponent works like the other subcomponent using Mode 2, except there is a chance per item that some items are lost during the randomisation. Lost items will not appear in the game world until the items are re-randomised. When you install this component you will be asked to input the chance for having items randomly be lost. Prior to version 4 of Item Randomiser, the chance was pre-set to 10 %.

Components for unequipping items from creature groups

These components are only available for Mode 2 and only if installed after the main component. Mode 2 does its best to equip creatures who receive random items with said item. This can result in beholders wearing armour or dragons wearing helms, or other strange things. The components listed below offer the player the choice of having all items unequipped from a specific group of creatures. Only creatures who are eligible for receiving random items are affected by these components. But they will unequip all droppable equipment from the creatures and not just items Item Randomiser has equipped them with.

Beholders have no items equipped
BG2 only
Beholders are defined as any member of beholder-kin.
This component currently affects 1 creature in BG2.

Demi-liches have no items equipped
BG2 only
This component currently affects 1 creature in BG2.

Dragons have no items equipped
BG2 only
This component currently affects 8 creatures in BG2.

Elementals have no items equipped
BG2 only
Elementals are defined as any elemental or elemental prince.
This component currently affects 1 creature in BG2.

Fiends have no items equipped
BG2 only
Fiends are defined as any demon or devil but not cambions or alu-fiends.
This component currently affects 3 creatures in BG2.

Golems have no items equipped
BG2 only
This component currently affects 1 creature in BG2.

Master Brains have no items equipped
BG2 only
This component currently affects 1 creature in BG2.

Slimes have no items equipped
BG1 only
This component currently affects 1 creature in BG1.

Trolls have no items equipped
BG2 only
This component currently affects 1 creature in BG2.

Miscellaneous components

Cespenar can forge SoA items
ToB only
This component makes it possible for Cespenar to forge all 9 items Cromwell can forge in SoA. The full list of items is:

Make Gromnir a proper Barbarian
ToB only
In vanilla ToB Gromnir is a strange creature. He is kitted as Kensai but does not have any of the Kensai bonuses. Additionally, he's got two uses of Barbarian Rage and is wearing full plate. The main component of Item Randomiser changes his kit to Barbarian to relax his item restrictions a little but does not otherwise make any kit-related changes to him. This component goes all the way and makes Gromnir an actual Barbarian, complete with resistance to physical damage and a legal suit of armour.

Remove Protection from Undead scrolls from stores
This component will remove Protection from Undead scrolls from stores in the game.
The player can choose between two subcomponents. The first subcomponent removes all scrolls from all stores. The second subcomponent removes all scrolls from 9 out of 10 stores. This selection is made randomly. By necessity, randomisation occurs when the subcomponent is installed. Re-randomisation will not occur until the subcomponent is reinstalled.

Duergar merchants
BG2 only
One of the duergar merchants in the Underdark has two sets of wares. There are the regular wares normally offered to the player and the special wares offered to the player under certain circumstances. Normally you can only access one of these sets of wares and when you gain access to the special wares, you lose access to the regular wares. This component will make it so once you can access the special wares you retain the option of accessing the regular wares.

Prevent Watcher's Keep statues from disappearing
ToB only
The difficulty of the first level of Watcher's Keep is scaled. If you go there early in the game several of the statues that are present are removed. Item Randomiser has a chance of giving these statues items, which would be lost if the statue possessing the item is removed. This component disables this mechanism and allows you to go to Watcher's Keep at any point without any of the statues being removed.


Complete lists of which items are normally randomised by Item Randomiser and where you can normally find random items is available here.

Known Issues

Mode 1 of Item Randomiser requires approximately 2–3 minutes to complete the randomisation process. If the starting area is left before the randomisation is completed, it will keep items from appearing in the game world. If you use Mode 1, be sure to allow sufficient time to pass before you leave the starting area. A rat or squirrel (depending on the setting) will squeak to let you know when the randomisation is complete.

Players using Mode 1 will experience a brief pause (or "lag") when they start a new game. This pause is caused by the fairly long scripts used to randomise the items and can be considered a game limitation.

Mode 1 of the Item Randomiser places the randomised items at their locations when you first enter the area where the item is supposed to show up. The placement of the item may be delayed by as much as a few seconds from the time when you first enter the area. This can cause problems if the item is supposed to be given to a creature and that creature is killed too soon. This should not normally be a problem, but it is an issue worth noting. This issue does not occur with area containers. This can notably happen at the Twisted Rune lair. Mining the area with traps or delayed spells before the enemy appears can result in Twisted Rune members dying before they receive their randomised item.


I would like to thank Gibberlings Three for hosting this mod and cmorgan in particular.

This mod was largely made possible by SSL and I would like to thank DavidW for making SSL available to others and for taking the time to explain some it its functions and capabilities.

By the same token, I would like to thank Westley Weimer and Valerio Bigiani (aka The Bigg) for their excellent work in creating and developing WeiDU.

Additional thanks goes to all the people involved in the Infinity Engine Structure Description Project, to Jon Olav Hauglid for developing Near Infinity and to Avenger for developing DLTCEP.

Thanks to Yarpen for providing a Polish translation.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Lantier, somefatguy and kthxbye for offering valuable opinions and suggestions, inspiration and for taking the time to beta test the mod. I would also like to thank temujin for his ability and willingness to find bugs in my mod.

Tools used:
WeiDU by Westley Weimer and Valerio Bigiani (aka The Bigg).
SSL by DavidW.
Near Infinity by Jon Olav Hauglid and others.
IESDP, maintained by igi.
DLTCEP by Avenger.
GIMP by the GIMP team.
BAM Batcher by Miloch.

Version History

2012-07-12—version 6.8:

2011-07-11—version 6.7:

2011-04-12—version 6.6:

2011-03-26—version 6.5:

2011-02-04—version 6.4:

2011-01-01—version 6.3:

2010-11-26—version 6.2:

2010-10-31—version 6.1:

2010-09-16—version 6:

Bug and compatibility fixes

Features and improvements

2010-09-05—version 5:

Bug and compatibility fixes

Features and improvements

Changes and additions (spoilers)

2010-06-19—version 4:

Bug and compatibility fixes

Features and improvements

Changes and additions (spoilers)

2010-04-14—version 3.01:

2010-01-06—version 3:

Bug and compatibility fixes

Features and improvements

Changes and additions (spoilers)

2009-09-07—version 2:

Bug and compatibility fixes

Features and improvements

Changes and additions (spoilers)

2009-07-29—version 1:

2009-06-29—beta 3:

2009-06-05—beta 2:

2009-06-01—beta 1: