
Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale

A Gibberlings Three Mod
On the web:
Home page, discussion forum, and Discord

Version 13
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish
Platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux


Like its predecessors for Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II, Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale aims to restore content and quests that were omitted from the game as shipped. The additional content in this mod is based on what I can piece together from various game resources and from talking with former developer JE Sawyer on the Obsidian forums. Later, through my work with Beamdog, I was able to secure some of the original quest design notes and further refine the restorations.


Unfinished Business works with the original Icewind Dale (with or without the expansions Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster) or the IWD-in-BG2 project. A handful of components are also available for IWDEE. This mod makes interactive changes and therefore should be compatible with other mods. For normal Icewind Dale, the mod was tested with the Icewind Dale Fixpack installed (highly recommended), though I do not anticipate problems if the Fixpack is not installed.

The Marketh's Ring, Actual Shadows in Vale of Shadows, and Add the Wardstone for Lower Dorn's Deep components are available for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition. The rest of the restorations were included in IWDEE itself.

A good rundown of install order and incompatibilities for several common Icewind Dale mods is available on the forums.

Auril's Bane (AB) also restores the Voice of Durdel Anatha quest; if Unfinished Business is installed after Auril's Bane then UB's version of this quest will replace AB's version. In terms of install order, UB should follow Auril's Bane.

Since most of these restorations involve changes to area files (which are stored in the save games), they are not available to games in progress if you've visited the quest areas already.

Bug Reporting

If you should encounter any bugs, please report them to the authors at the Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale forum. In addition, Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale is available on GitHub, so fixes and changes can be submitted by the community.


First time installing a mod? Check out G3's comprehensive tutorial: A New Player’s Guide to Installing and Playing Mods.

Enhanced Editions Note
The Enhanced Editions are actively supported games. Please note that every patch update will wipe your current mod setup! If in the middle of a modded game you might want to delay the patch update (if possible) as even after reinstalling the mods, you might not be able to continue with your old savegames. Alternatively, copy the whole game's folder into a new one that can be modded and will stay untouched by game patches. It is important that you install the mod to the language version you are playing the game in. Otherwise, the dialogues of the mod will not show but give error messages.

Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale for Windows is distributed as a self-extracting archive and includes a WeiDU installer. To install, simply double-click the archive and follow the instructions on screen.

Alternatively, the files can be extracted into your game directory using 7zip or WinRAR. When properly extracted, your game directory will contain setup-ub_iwd.exe and the folder ub_iwd. To install, double-click setup-ub_iwd.exe and follow the instructions on screen.

You can run setup-ub_iwd.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.

Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale for macOS is distributed as a compressed tarball and includes a WeiDU installer.

First, extract the files from the tarball into your game directory. When properly extracted, your game directory will contain setup-ub_iwd, setup-ub_iwd.command, and the folder ub_iwd. To install, double-click setup-ub_iwd.command and follow the instructions on screen.

You can run setup-ub_iwd.command in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.

Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale for Linux is distributed as a compressed tarball and does not include a WeiDU installer. Linux users will need to do a one-time install of WeiDU (and a few other adjustments) as described in this great writeup.

To install, run 'WeInstall ub_iwd in your game folder.

Note for Complete Uninstallation
In addition to the methods above for removing individual components, you can completely uninstall the mod using setup-ub_iwd --uninstall at the command line to remove all components without wading through prompts.


There are multiple components, all of which can be installed independently of one another. I've tried to be a bit vague with the actual content so as not to spoil the restored content; you can always ask for spoilers or additional information on the mod's discussion forum.

The Voice of Durdel Anatha

This is probably the best known of the missing content, and a slightly different version is available as part of the core content of Auril's Bane. This component restores the Voice of Durdel Anatha, a cursed paladin of Torm forced to wander around Lower Dorn's Deep. The party can free him of his curse.

Malavon's Golems

There was a book that detailed how Malavon created his twin iron golems. The party can possibly deactivate or even turn them against Malavon.

Marketh's Ring
Available for IWDEE

The trickiest restoration, Marketh originally had a ring that allowed him to teleport around Lower Dorn's Deep, making him impossible to catch. This idea was eventually abandoned for a different path altogether. I've tried to restore this quest while keeping many aspects of the Marketh-Ginafae-Malavon relationship as possible, while still restoring the original quest to deal with Marketh's ring.

Expanded Guello/Beorn Quest

When you speak with the deep gnomes, they actually ask for two things—that you kill Shikata and his salamander kin (thus freeing Guello) and also to stop the umber hulks that are digging and searching for their hidden enclave. Guello will now reward you for both tasks instead of just one of them. Note that this also restores a wave of umber hulks in Tarnelm's oubliette, making the battle here a bit tougher.

Presio's Duel

The third level of Dragon's Eye features Presio and her legions of undead. As the party travels the area, she speaks to the party via her undead lieutenants. Paladins and mages can call her out to single combat through one of these vessels.

Orrick's Rhino Beetle Shield

The duergar Dirty Llew can fashion a shield out of rhino beetle shells for the party; Nym can further enchant the shield. As an alternative, the party can take Llew's shield to Orrick in Kuldahar instead with a slightly different result.

The High Baptist's Flock

Some leftover dialogues and scripting suggested The High Baptist was supposed to have some followers. When you encounter him on the fifth level of the Dragon's Eye, he'll now have a small but "loyal" congregation.

Actual Shadows in Vale of Shadows [Graion Dilach]
Available for IWDEE

The Vale of Shadows area files define the Lesser Shadows in the area to constantly respawn until Lysan's demise, but due to a definition error, this behavior only works for one spawning slot. Because this would heavily affect early-game balance, it wasn't restored in IWDEE and the component is available for that game as well.

Add the Wardstone for Lower Dorn's Deep
Available for IWDEE

The way the areas are built allows you head straight to Lower Dorn's Deep, bypassing the aquarium and frost giant areas in Dorn's Deep. The chapter narration when you enter Lower Dorn's Deep assumes you've dealt with the frost giants. This component adds a wardstone to Joril which is required to enter Lower Dorn's Deep.

Minor Item Restorations

A handful of minor items were found in the game files that are not actually available in the game. To minimize influence on game balance these items have primarily been added to stores. New items are the Belt of Stones, Briath's Journal, Elven Sewn Boots, Elven Sewn Cloak, Elven Sewn Gloves, Gauntlet of Valor, Great Halberd +4, Holy Chaos! Deck, Illian's Hunting Helm, Inferno Darts +4, Potion of Clear Purpose, Potion of Greater Resistance, Potion of Resistance, Silver Bracers of Kedl, and The Dire Old Lute of Pellon Kay. High quality arrows, bolts, short bows, light crossbows, and heavy crossbows have also been restored as random drops.

Restored Random Drops
Requires Heart of Winter

The Heart of Winter expansion alters the random drop table to account for new items scattered throughout the game. In the process several items were removed outright, making them no longer available in the game. This component does not alter items that were simply moved around the table (i.e. Bren Muller's Crossbow) but it does restore several items to the random drop table:

Bastard Sword +3: Incinerator, Bhaal's Fire, Demon's Breath, Foe's Fate, Greater Ring of the Warrior, Large Shield of Strength +1, Long Bow +4: Hammer, Long Sword of Action +4, Morning Star +2: Hammer, Morning Star of Action +4, Potion of Arcane Absorption, Potion of Aura Enhancement, Potion of Constitution, Potion of Dissipation, Reinforced Large Shield +2, Ring of Aura Transfusion, Ring of Greater Resistance, Ring of Reckless Action, Ring of the Warrior Thief, Shocking Flail +4, Short Sword +4: Hammer, Sloth, Spiked Long Sword +1, Static Two Handed Sword +4, Studded Leather +2: Shadowed, Studded Leather +4: Shadowed, Studded Leather of Resistance +3, Two Handed Axe of Resistance +3, Two Handed Sword +1: Hammering, Two Handed Sword +3: Bane, Two Handed Sword +4: Backbiter, Two Handed Sword +4: Life Giver, Two Handed Sword of Resistance +1, War Hammer +4: Defender, War Hammer of Phasing +2 (2H), and the War Hammer of Phasing +3.

Contact Information

CamDawg is the author of this mod; you can find him at most IE forums but mainly at G3. You can find out more about Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale by visiting the mod forum or the project page. Visit the Gibberlings Three Forums or Discord for information on this and any other Gibberlings Three mods on which we may be working.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

First, a big thanks to the wonderful community at The Gibberlings Three. Thanks to the still active and vibrant Infinity Engine modding community.

I'd like to give a big thank you to Razfallow, who was working on a (stalled) mod that including some of these ideas and let me do it instead. Thanks also to Kulyok and redrake for bringing some of the content to my attention. Thanks to Graion Dilach for spotting and restoring the Actual Shadows in Vale of Shadows component.

Thanks for JE Sawyer, one of the IWD developers, for guidance on restoring some of the cut content, particularly in the restoration of the Voice of Durdel Anatha.

The IWD-in-BG2 compatibility code for the random treasure tables was shamelessly borrowed from DavidW.

Thanks as well to Beamdog, who let me browse through the original design documents.

A big thank you to our translators:

  • French: Graoumf
  • German: Mike
  • Italian: Giuseppe
  • Russian: Prowler, Accolon, Hawkmoon, yota13
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Felipe
  • Spanish: alaisFcZ

The bell sound used in the Voice of Durdel Anatha quest is used under the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution license. The sound was originally recorded by Mike Koenig and was downloaded from soundbible.com.

Tools Used in Creation

Credits and Copyright Information

The modding community for the Infinity Engine has been going strong since 1998, and is the culmination of thousands of unpaid modding hours by fellow fans of the game. Modders produce their best work and players get the best, well-supported mods when we all work together.

There are two big ways to upset this harmony. One is to claim someone else's work as your own. The second is to host and redistribute a mod without permission from the author(s).

Be kind to your fellow players and modders. Don't do either.

Version History

Version 13 - February 12, 2025

  • Added new Spanish translation, courtesy of alaisFcZ
  • Updated Russian translation, courtesy of yota13

Version 12 - January 30, 2025

  • Added a new component, Add the Wardstone for Lower Dorn's Deep
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Auril's Bane (AB) where UB was unable to place Malavon's golem building book for Malavon's Golems
  • UB will now replace AB's version of The Voice of Durdel Anatha with its own
  • Tweaked Orrick's dialogues a bit to ensure his initial dialogue always plays before the new dialogue for Orrick's Rhino Beetle Shield
  • Fixed a bug where the player could receive double XP for using Malavon's Golems against him

Version 11 - September 28, 2022

  • Updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation. Thanks Felipe!

Version 10 - September 25, 2022

  • Added the Actual Shadows in Vale of Shadows [Graion Dilach]; credit for spotting and restoring this goes to Graion Dilach, Cheers!
  • Updated a lot of code behind the scenes; name updating the translation scheme to be a little more modern as well as making the mod more portable

Version 9 - December 1, 2021

  • Made a minor adjustment to The High Baptist's Flock component to account for changes made in IWD Fixpack v7
  • Added four more items to Minor Item Restorations: Elven Sewn Boots, Elven Sewn Cloak, Elven Sewn Gloves, and Illian's Hunting Helm
  • Added a Brazilian Portuguese translation, courtesy of Felipe
  • Added Project Infinity compatibility

Version 8 - September 8, 2018

  • Marketh's Ring, the lone restoration omitted from the Enhanced Edition, is now available for IWDEE and the EET conversion
  • Backported some fixes from IWDEE:
    • For the Voice quest, Brother Harken will now spawn at the door regardless of which entrance you use to reach area with the evil idol. This will help prevent players from prematurely ending the quest by destroying the idol before confronting Harken and the Voice.
    • If you win the duel with Presio, the stringhead with the victory message no longer assumes Player1, since it could be any party member who enters the duel.
  • Purged some redundant code and macros

Version 7 - November 15, 2012

  • Added The High Baptist's Flock component and, due to popular demand, the Restored Random Drops component
  • Expanded the Minor Item Restorations component with some unused high quality items, a few more random drops, and the Potion of Clear Purpose
  • Fixed a bug with The Voice of Durdel Anatha component with the Artisan's District. The umber hulk trap that reveals the Pale Justice sword should wait until the Voice has been laid to rest, but was instead not opening at all if you had previously visited.
  • Revisited the treachery detection for Presio's Duel to make it more robust
  • Fixed a bug with The Glory of Suffering armor, one of the quest rewards for The Voice of Durdel Anatha (thanks to Minttunator on the forums)
  • Added German translation (thanks Mike!)
  • Updated the French translation (thanks Anomaly!) and the Russian translation (thanks prowler!)

Version 6 - September 18, 2012

  • Added the Minor Item Restorations component
  • Fixed a bug where Presio's Duel would fail to install on HoW/TotL games if Auril's Bane is installed

Version 5 - February 14, 2011

  • The Voice of Durdel Anatha quest was completely recoded, per new information from JE Sawyer
  • Fixed bug preventing install if WeiDU can't find ini files for the Presio's Duel and Expanded Guello/Beorn Quest components
  • The option to deactivate or turn Malavon's iron golems is more prominent by way of availability on more branches of dialogue
  • The time for Norl to make a copy of Marketh's ring has been substantially reduced
  • Closed a bug where you could reset the variable controlling the Marketh's Ring quest midway through, making it impossible to finish, by following a very specific dialogue path with Ginafae if the ring was in progress
  • Removed a duplicate line from Ginafae and gave the player better reply options while Norl is making the copy
  • Presio's Duel could be broken a number of ways due to some loose triggers. These have been tightened up and better detection for treachery (i.e. agreeing to single combat and then sending multiple characters) to make this work as expected
  • Now works with the Icewind Dale in Baldur's Gate II mod
  • Updated Russian translation (thanks prowler)
  • Updated installer to WeiDU v227

Version 4 - May 1, 2010

  • Updated installer to WeiDU v216

Version 3 - January 21, 2010

  • Prowler, Accolon, and Hawkmoon's Russian translation added
  • VERSION, WeiDU v213

Version 2 - April 10, 2009

  • Graoumf's French translation added
  • Giuseppe's Italian translation added
  • VERSION, WeiDU v210
  • check lowercase, Linux packaging
  • Isaya's repair for "Missing state in State.IDS [ub_iwd/baf/ldmarkth.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 15 column 39-39 Near Text: ) [StateCheck] argument [STATE_REALLY_DEAD] not found in [State.IDS]" APPEND ~state.ids~ ~0x00000fc0 STATE_REALLY_DEAD~
  • Isaya's repair for Orrick's dialog: The texts says "Since you brought me this excellent tome on mythals, I'm willing to waive most of the cost. Let's say 15,000 gold". Unfortunately, it is used in both cases, text @508 is not referenced in orrick.d The line should read : IF ~~ THEN BEGIN NotCheap SAY @508 instead of @507

Version 1 - February 24, 2008

  • Initial release.