Baldur's Gate II Anishai one-day NPC Author: Barren Support: Version 3 Contents 1. General Info. 2. Installation. 3. Thanks. 4. Spoilers. 5. Versions history 1. General Info. This is my small contributin to JCompton's one-day NPC project. It makes Anishai, the monk from Mae'Var's guildhouse, a joinable NPC. 2. Installation. 1. Extract the contents of this .zip file to the main BG2 directory. 2. Click on the 'Setup-Anishai.exe' (or invoke it from the command line). 3. Select 'Y(es)' install and let WeiDU do its magic. 3. Thanks. JCompton, the instigator of this project Ghreyfain, whose tutorials were very helpful Westley Weimer, for the great tool that is Weidu PhroXenGold, because I took Anishai's portrait from his site Roland the Druid, who tried to help me when I lost some files Our translators: Yago (German), Ilot (Italian), Galathee (French), and prowler (Russian) Special thanks to Icelus, an inspiration to modders everywhere 4. Spoilers. To get Anishai in your party, just visit the second floor of Mae'Var's guildhouse after everyone's gone hostile, and pick the right dialog choices. She's a Chaotic Neutral lv 10 monk with 14 str, 17 dex, 10 con, 13 int, 9 wis and 16 cha. She carries a dagger, whose properties are not completely known, even to Anishai herself. It seems to strike as a +3 weapon, and deal poison damage. 5. Versions history 01/03/04 Started working on Anishai 01/03/04: Version 1 Anishai available for download. 02/03/04: Version 1.1 Fixed a few bugs, thanks to Jcompton. Anishai now says her dialog after she's kicked out of the party, and she can also use her own dagger. 03/03/04: Version 1.2 Fixed two small bugs with the dagger, and added Anishai's biography. 27/03/09: Version 1.3 (by Leomar) - Traified the mod - Added German translation by Yago - Added VERSION-flag - Updated to WeiDU v210 23/06/09: Version 1.4 (by Leomar) - Added Italian translation by Ilot. 04/04/11: Version 1.5 (by Graoumf) - Added French translation by Galathée (des d'Oghmatiques) - Updated to WeiDU v229 01/02/19: Version 2 (by CamDawg) - Native EET compatibility - Minor bugfixes - Updated to WeiDU v246 5/6/20: Version 3 (CamDawg) - Added Russian translation, courtesy of prowler