CLUA Console
Activating the Console in BG(2): EE
Enable (before patch v2.0)
Open the Baldur.ini file (located in the 'Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition' directory).
Find the line INSERT INTO options ROWS ( and add the text 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', underneath.
Enable (patch v2.0 or later)Find the line INSERT INTO options ROWS ( and add the text 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', underneath.
Open the Baldur.lua file (located in the 'Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition' directory).
Add the line SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1') to it.
Access Add the line SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1') to it.
Create a new game / load a save game.
Press ctrl and space together.
CLUA commands can be entered in the editing area that appears at the bottom of the screen.
Commands must be prefixed with CLUAConsole: (before patch v2.0) or C: (since patch v2.0 and possibly before).
Press ctrl and space together.
CLUA commands can be entered in the editing area that appears at the bottom of the screen.
Commands must be prefixed with CLUAConsole: (before patch v2.0) or C: (since patch v2.0 and possibly before).
Cheat Keys
After using the CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys() command the following cheat keys are activated.
The EEs also support pressing CTRL or SHIFT to display the dynamic or static searchmap respectively, as an overlay. You have to enable that first by adding these keys to Baldur.lua:
CTRL+1 Change armor level animation
CTRL+2 Fade screen to black
CTRL+3 Fade screen to normal
CTRL+4 Highlight background-interactive objects
CTRL+5 Displays animation information
CTRL+6 Change avatar animation previous
CTRL+7 Change avatar animation next
CTRL+A Animation avatar (see CTRL+S)
CTRL+C Runs NALIAND epilogue
CTRL+E Alters visual range
CTRL+F Turn the character
CTRL+G Display list of areas loaded in cache
CTRL+I Selects animation (see CTRL+L). Can force banters.
CTRL+J Teleport to cursor position
CTRL+K Creature under cursor kick out party
CTRL+L Plays animation (selected by CTRL+I)
CTRL+M (Followed by ENTER) Debug Dump (if [Game Options] Wild Surge Keys = 1)
CTRL+O (Followed by ENTER) Write Debug Dump to log file (if [Program Options] Logging On = 1)
CTRL+P Keep screen centred on selected character
CTRL+Q Creature under cursor joins party
CTRL+R Heals character under cursor
CTRL+S Select avatar animation
CTRL+T Advance game time 1 hour
CTRL+U Temporarily highlight Doors + Ground Objects
CTRL+X Extended position information
CTRL+Y Kills creature under cursor
CTRL+2 Fade screen to black
CTRL+3 Fade screen to normal
CTRL+4 Highlight background-interactive objects
CTRL+5 Displays animation information
CTRL+6 Change avatar animation previous
CTRL+7 Change avatar animation next
CTRL+A Animation avatar (see CTRL+S)
CTRL+C Runs NALIAND epilogue
CTRL+E Alters visual range
CTRL+F Turn the character
CTRL+G Display list of areas loaded in cache
CTRL+I Selects animation (see CTRL+L). Can force banters.
CTRL+J Teleport to cursor position
CTRL+K Creature under cursor kick out party
CTRL+L Plays animation (selected by CTRL+I)
CTRL+M (Followed by ENTER) Debug Dump (if [Game Options] Wild Surge Keys = 1)
CTRL+O (Followed by ENTER) Write Debug Dump to log file (if [Program Options] Logging On = 1)
CTRL+P Keep screen centred on selected character
CTRL+Q Creature under cursor joins party
CTRL+R Heals character under cursor
CTRL+S Select avatar animation
CTRL+T Advance game time 1 hour
CTRL+U Temporarily highlight Doors + Ground Objects
CTRL+X Extended position information
CTRL+Y Kills creature under cursor
The EEs also support pressing CTRL or SHIFT to display the dynamic or static searchmap respectively, as an overlay. You have to enable that first by adding these keys to Baldur.lua:
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Render Search Map','1') -- press SHIFT key to display overlay
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Render Dynamic Search Map','1') -- press CTRL key to display overlay
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Render Dynamic Search Map','1') -- press CTRL key to display overlay
Using the Console
Adds the gold specified by <int> to the party.
Adds the spell specified by <string> to the selected character.
Advances the in-game 'real time' counter.
Unknown - seems to start a new single (0) or multi (1) player game.
Creates the creature specified by <string>.
Creates the item specified by <string>.
The parameters control the amount/charges of the item.
CreateVEFVidCell("<string>")The parameters control the amount/charges of the item.
Plays the VVC specified by specified by <string>.
Plays all graphic files in order.
Displays the text specified by <string>.
Executes the script action specified by <string>.
The whole string can be enclosed into single quotes (') so that double quotes
can still be used within the script action.
An optional numeric parameter specifies the active party member for the script action.
The parameter expects the portrait slot index, starting with 0 for the first party member.
Exec(<string>)The whole string can be enclosed into single quotes (') so that double quotes
can still be used within the script action.
An optional numeric parameter specifies the active party member for the script action.
The parameter expects the portrait slot index, starting with 0 for the first party member.
Executes all clua commands contained in the text file specified by <string>.
Enables (1) or disables (0) cheat keys, based on the value of <int>.
Explores the current area.
Displays the variable specified by <string1> (of type <string2>).
Enables logging of game messages?.
Filename to log message to?.
Move the selected characters to the area specified by <string>.
Plays the movie specified by <string>.
Plays the sound specified by <string>.
Sets the XP of the selected character to <int>.
Unknown - probably related to water alpha levels :)
Sets the variable specified by <string1> (of type <string2>) to the value of <int>.
Unknown - probably related to water alpha levels :)
Sets the current weather.
Starts the store specified by <string>.
Strings are displayed with their associated strref numbers.
Strings are not displayed with their associated strref numbers.
Lists all dialog file in the game, and checks for errors.
Output scripts into the directory specified by <string>.
Place mouse cursor of creature to evaluate scripts attached to that creature.
Otherwise it will evaluate area scripts.
Eval('RegainRangerHood()')Place mouse cursor of creature to evaluate scripts attached to that creature.
Otherwise it will evaluate area scripts.
Removes the "Fallen Ranger" status from the selected character.
Removes the "Fallen Paladin" status from the selected character.
NB. While the console is enabled, the following cheat is also enabled.
At the stat distribution screen, pressing CTRL+8 will yield maximum stat value.