CHUI file format

Applies to:
BG1, BG1: TotS, BG2, BG2: ToB, PST, IWD, IWD:HoW, IWD:TotL, IWD2

General Description
This file format describes the layout of the GUI screens (the graphics for the screens are held in MOS and BAM files).

Detailed Description
Overall structure:

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 4 (char array) Signature ('CHUI')
0x0004 4 (char array) Version ('V1  ')
0x0008 4 (dword) Count of windows
0x000c 4 (dword) Offset (from start of file) to controls table
0x0010 4 (dword) Offset (from start of file) to window entries

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 2 (word) Window ID
0x0002 2 (unknown) Unknown
0x0004 2 (word) X coordinate
0x0006 2 (word) Y coordinate
0x0008 2 (word) Width
0x000a 2 (word) Height
0x000c 2 (word) Background flag (0=No background, 1=Background)
0x000e 2 (word) Count of controls in this window
0x0010 8 (resref) Background file (MOS)
0x0018 2 (word) Index of first control in this window
0x001a 2 (word) Unknown

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 4 (dword) Offset to control structure
0x0004 4 (dword) Length of control structure

Each control has a separate structure describing it however they all have a common structure prepended, which dictates basic control settings (e.g. position, type).
The known control types are:

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 4 (dword) Control ID
0x0004 2 (word) X coordinate (relative to containing window)
0x0006 2 (word) Y coordinate (relative to containing window)
0x0008 2 (word) Width
0x000a 2 (word) Height
0x000c 1 (byte) Type
0x000d 1 (byte) Unknown

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 14 (common section) Common fields
0x000e 8 (resref) Button image (BAM)
0x0016 1 (byte) Animation cycle
0x0017 1 (byte) Button text justification flags:
  • bit 0: Left justify text
  • bit 1: Right justify text
  • bit 2: Top justify text
  • bit 3: Bottom justify text
  • bit 4: Anchor text to 0,0
  • bit 5: Reduce text size
NB. With no bits set the text is centred (horizontally and vertically)
0x0018 1 (byte) Frame index from BAM file: Button unpressed
0x0019 1 (byte) Anchor coordinate X 1
0x001a 1 (byte) Frame index from BAM file: Button pressed
0x001b 1 (byte) Anchor coordinate X 2
0x001c 1 (byte) Frame index from BAM file: Button selected
0x001d 1 (byte) Anchor coordinate Y 1
0x001e 1 (byte) Frame index from BAM file: Button disabled
0x001f 1 (byte) Anchor coordinate Y 2

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 14 (common section) Common fields
0x000e 8 (resref) Slider image background (MOS)
0x0016 8 (resref) Slider image (knob) (BAM)
0x001e 2 (word) Cycle number
0x0020 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file: Slider ungrabbed
0x0022 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file: Slider grabbed
0x0024 2 (word) Knob X offset
0x0026 2 (word) Knob Y offset
0x0028 2 (word) Knob jump width
0x002a 2 (word) Knob jump count
0x002c 2 (word) Unknown
0x002e 2 (word) Unknown
0x0030 2 (word) Unknown
0x0032 2 (word) Unknown

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 14 (common section) Common fields
0x000e 8 (resref) MOS file (background #1)
0x0016 8 (resref) MOS file (background #2)
0x001e 8 (resref) MOS file (background #3)
0x0026 8 (resref) BAM file (cursor)
0x002e 2 (word) Carot animation cycle
0x0030 2 (word) Carot animation frame
0x0032 2 (word) X coordinate
0x0034 2 (word) Y coordinate
0x0036 4 (dword) Control Id of scrollbar attached to this control (0xFFFFFFFF = none)
0x003a 8 (resref) BAM file (font)
0x0042 2 (word) Unknown
0x0044 32 (ASCII) Initial text
0x0064 2 (word) Maximum input length
0x0066 4 (dword) Text case
  • 0 Sentence case
  • 1 Upper case
  • 2 Lower case

Offset Size (data type) Description
0x0000 14 (common section) Common fields
0x000e 8 (resref) BAM file font (initials)
0x0016 8 (resref) BAM file font (main text)
0x001e 4 (RGBA colour) Text colour
0x0022 4 (RGBA colour) Text colour of initials
0x0026 4 (RGBA colour) Background colour of text. This is not a fill, more like an outline.
0x002a 4 (control ID) Control ID of scroll bar attached to this control (0xFFFFFFFF = none)

Offset Size (datatype) Description
0x0000 14 (common section) Common fields
0x000e 4 (strref) Initial text ()
0x0012 8 (resref) BAM file (font)
0x001a 4 (RGBA colour) Text colour
0x001e 4 (RGBA colour) Colour of text background (outline).
0x0022 2 (word) Subtype (justification)
  • bit 0: Use RGB colours
  • bit 1: Unknown
  • bit 2: Center justification
  • bit 3: Left justification
  • bit 4: Right justification
  • bit 5: Top justification
  • bit 6: Unknown
  • bit 7: Bottom justification
In case of combined values (0x18), right justification takes precedence. RGB colours are interpolated from index 1 to index 256.

Offset Size (datatype) Description
0x0000 14 (common section) Common fields
0x000e 8 (resref) BAM file
0x0016 2 (word) Cycle number
0x0018 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file : up-arrow, unpressed
0x001a 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file : up-arrow, pressed
0x001c 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file : down-arrow, unpressed
0x001e 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file : down-arrow, pressed
0x0020 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file: trough
0x0022 2 (word) Frame index from BAM file: slider
0x0024 4 (control ID) Control ID of text area attached to this control (0xFFFFFFFF = none)