GAM file format
Applies to:
General Description
This file format is used to hold game information in save games. The GAM file does not store area, creature or item information, instead, it stores information on the party members and the global variables which affect party members.
Detailed Description
Overall structure:
Party members
Party member CRE file data
NPCs (who are not in the party)
NPC kills statistics (embedded in NPC struct)
NPC CRE file data
Variables (in the GLOBAL namespace)
Journal entries
Familiar information
Offset | Size (datatype) | Description |
0x0000 | 4 (char array) | Signature ('GAME') |
0x0004 | 4 (char array) | Version ('V2.2') |
0x0008 | 4 (dword) | Game time (300 units == 1 hour) |
0x000c | 2 (word) | Selected Formation |
0x000e | 2 (word) | Formation button 1 |
0x0010 | 2 (word) | Formation button 2 |
0x0012 | 2 (word) | Formation button 3 |
0x0014 | 2 (word) | Formation button 4 |
0x0016 | 2 (word) | Formation button 5 |
0x0018 | 4 (dword) | Party gold |
0x001c | 2 (word) | Unknown |
0x001e | 2 (word) | Weather bitfield
0x0020 | 4 (dword) | Offset to NPC structs for party members |
0x0024 | 4 (dword) | Count of NPC structs for party members |
0x0028 | 4 (dword) | Offset to party inventory |
0x002c | 4 (dword) | Count of party inventory |
0x0030 | 4 (dword) | Offset to NPC structs for non-party members. |
0x0034 | 4 (dword) | Count of NPC structs for non-party members. |
0x0038 | 4 (dword) | Offset to GLOBAL namespace variables |
0x003c | 4 (dword) | Count of GLOBAL namespace variables |
0x0040 | 8 (resref) | Main area |
0x0048 | 4 (dword) | Unknown |
0x004c | 4 (dword) | Count of journal entries |
0x0050 | 4 (dword) | Offset to journal entries |
0x0054 | 4 (dword) | Party Reputation (*10) |
0x0058 | 8 (resref) | Current area |
0x0060 | 4 (dword) | GUI flags
0x0064 | 4 (dword) | Unknown |
0x0068 | 4 (dword) | Offset to familiar info |
0x006c | 4 (bytes) | Heart of Fury mode toggle (bit 0) |
0x0070 | 4 (dword) | Unknown |
0x0074 | 4 (dword) | Real game time |
0x0078 | 4 (dword) | Offset to Pocket Plane locations |
0x007c | 4 (dword) | Count of Pocket Plane locations |
0x0080 | 52 (bytes) | Unused |
Offset | Size (datatype) | Description |
0x0000 | 2 (word) | Character selection
0x0002 | 2 (word) | Party order (0x0-0x5 = PlayerXFill, 0xFFFF = not in party) |
0x0004 | 4 (dword) | Offset (from start of file) to CRE resource data for this character |
0x0008 | 4 (dword) | Size of CRE resource data for this character |
0x000c | 8 (bytes) | Character Name |
0x0014 | 4 (dword) | Character orientation |
0x0018 | 8 (resref) | Characters current area |
0x0020 | 2 (word) | Character X coordinate |
0x0022 | 2 (word) | Character Y coordinate |
0x0024 | 2 (word) | Viewing rectangle X coordinate |
0x0026 | 2 (word) | Viewing rectangle Y coordinate |
0x0028 | 2 (word) | Modal action |
0x002a | 2 (word) | Happiness |
0x002c | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0030 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0034 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0038 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x003c | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0040 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0044 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0048 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x004c | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0050 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0054 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0058 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x005c | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0060 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0064 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0068 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x006c | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0070 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0074 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0078 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x007c | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0080 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0084 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x0088 | 4 (dword) | NumTimesInteracted NPC count (unused) |
0x008c | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Weapon 1 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x008e | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Shield 1 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0090 | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Weapon 2 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0092 | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Shield 2 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0094 | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Weapon 3 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0096 | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Shield 3 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0098 | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Weapon 4 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x009a | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Shield 4 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x009c | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x009e | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x00a0 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x00a2 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x00a4 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x00a6 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x00a8 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x00aa | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x00ac | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 1 resource |
0x00b4 | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 2 resource |
0x00bc | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 3 resource |
0x00c4 | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 4 resource |
0x00cc | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 5 resource |
0x00d4 | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 6 resource |
0x00dc | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 7 resource |
0x00e4 | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 8 resource |
0x00ec | 8 (resref) | Quick Spell 9 resource |
0x00f4 | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 1 class |
0x00f5 | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 2 class |
0x00f6 | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 3 class |
0x00f7 | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 4 class |
0x00f8 | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 5 class |
0x00f9 | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 6 class |
0x00fa | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 7 class |
0x00fb | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 8 class |
0x00fc | 1 (byte) | Quick spell 9 class |
0x00fd | 1 (byte) | Unknown |
0x00fe | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Item 1 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0100 | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Item 2 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0102 | 2 (word) | Index into slots.ids for Quick Item 3 (0xFFFF = none) |
0x0104 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x0106 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x0108 | 2 (word) | Slot usable |
0x010a | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 1 |
0x0112 | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 2 |
0x011a | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 3 |
0x0122 | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 4 |
0x012a | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 5 |
0x0132 | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 6 |
0x013a | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 7 |
0x0142 | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 8 |
0x014a | 8 (resref) | Quick Innate 9 |
0x0152 | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 1 |
0x015a | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 2 |
0x0162 | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 3 |
0x016a | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 4 |
0x0172 | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 5 |
0x017a | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 6 |
0x0182 | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 7 |
0x018a | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 8 |
0x0192 | 8 (resref) | Quick Song 9 |
0x019a | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 1 |
0x019e | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 2 |
0x01a2 | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 3 |
0x01a6 | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 4 |
0x01aa | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 5 |
0x01ae | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 6 |
0x01b2 | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 7 |
0x01b6 | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 8 |
0x01ba | 4 (dword) | Quick Slot 9 |
0x01be | 32 (bytes) | Character Name |
0x01c2 | 4 (dword) | Talkcount |
0x01c6 | 116 bytes | Character Stats for this character |
0x023a | 8 (resref) | Soundset |
0x0242 | 32 (char array) | Voiceset |
0x0262 | 4 (dword) | Unknown |
0x0266 | 4 (dword) | Unknown |
0x026a | 4 (dword) | Unknown |
0x026e | 4 (dword) | Expertise (mutually exclusive with Power Attack) |
0x0272 | 4 (dword) | Power Attack (mutually exclusive with Expertise) |
0x0276 | 4 (dword) | Arterial Strike (mutually exclusive with Hamstring) |
0x027a | 4 (dword) | Hamstring (mutually exclusive with Arterial strike) |
0x027e | 4 (dword) | Rapid Shot |
0x0282 | 4 (dword) | Unknown |
0x0286 | 3 (bytes) | Unknown |
0x0289 | 2 (word) | Selected weapon slot |
0x0281 | 153 (bytes) | Unknown |
Offset | Size (data type) | Description |
0x0000 | 4 (strref) | "Most powerful vanquished" - Name |
0x0004 | 4 (dword) | "Most powerful vanquished" - XP Reward |
0x0008 | 4 (dword) | Time in party (1/15 seconds) |
0x000c | 4 (dword) | Time Joined (1/15 seconds) |
0x0010 | 1 (byte) | Party member (0 = Not in party, 1 = In party) |
0x0011 | 2 (word) | Unused |
0x0013 | 1 (byte) | First letter of CRE resref (changed to *) |
0x0014 | 4 (dword) | Kills - XP Gained (chapter) |
0x0018 | 4 (dword) | Kills - Number (chapter) |
0x001c | 4 (dword) | Kills - XP (game) |
0x0020 | 4 (dword) | Kills - number (game) |
0x0024 | 4*8 (resref array) | Favourite spells |
0x0044 | 4*2 (word array) | Favourite spell count |
0x004c | 4*8 (resref array) | Favourite weapons |
0x006c | 4*2 (word) | Favourite weapon time (time equipped in combat - 1/15 seconds) |
Note the format specification allows variables of differing types, however the engine implementation only reads and writes INT variables.
Offset | Size (data type) | Description |
0x0000 | 32 (char array) | Variable name |
0x0020 | 2 (type) | Type
0x0022 | 2 (word) | Ref value |
0x0024 | 4 (dword) | Dword value |
0x0028 | 4 (dword) | Int value |
0x002c | 8 (double) | Double value |
0x0030 | 32 (char array) | Script name value |
This section stores the strref, chapter and time for any entry added to the journal.
Offset | Size (data type) | Description |
0x0000 | 4 (strref) | Journal text |
0x0004 | 4 (dword) | Time (seconds) |
0x0008 | 1 (byte) | Current chapter number |
0x0009 | 1 (byte) | Read by character x |
0x000a | 1 (byte) | Journal section
0x000b | 1 (byte) | Location flag (0x1F = external TOT/TOH, 0xFF = internal TLK) |
The familiar (summoned by the Find Familiar spell) is dependent on the alignment of the caster. This section contains the mapping between caster alignment and the CRE file to summon. This section is blank by default, any meaningful information entered is used by the Find Familiar opcode (0x0c0)
Offset | Size (data type) | Description |
0x0000 | 8 (resref) | Lawful Good Familiar |
0x0008 | 8 (resref) | Lawful Neutral Familiar |
0x0010 | 8 (resref) | Lawful Evil Familiar |
0x0018 | 8 (resref) | Neutral Good Familiar |
0x0020 | 8 (resref) | Neutral Familiar |
0x0028 | 8 (resref) | Neutral Evil Familiar |
0x0030 | 8 (resref) | Chaotic Good Familiar |
0x0038 | 8 (resref) | Chaotic Neutral Familiar |
0x0040 | 8 (resref) | Chaotic Evil Familiar |
0x0048 | 328 (bytes) | Unknown |