Modding Tutorial Part 4: SoD Banter System for Your NPC

Version 4, by jastey


  1. Activating and Initiating Banters: Additions to NPCs' Override Scripts
  2. The Banter "Area" Script
  3. Having another NPC Interject into the Banter
  4. Include Optional Component for Banters in "Dialog Style"
  5. Credits, Used Tools, and Helpful Links
  6. Version History

This tutorial deals with how to make your NPC banter with the other party NPCs like it is custom in SoD. In SoD, banters of party NPCs are done via floating text above their heads while the player wanders about the areas. As an example NPC, Biff the Understudy will be the NPC in this guide, bantering with Corwin two times: the first banter will be started by Biff, the second by Corwin. Read through the chapters to see how the needed files play together.

The examples are such that the banter can be also offered in "dialogue style" like they are in BG2. How to do this as an optional component of your mod is explained in Chapter 4.

Please note: the mods EndlessBG1 and Transitions can move Korlasz' Dungeon into the BG1 campaign, meaning the NPCs (including your mod NPC) will use their BG1 banter files inside the crypt. Make sure to cover compatibility when using the banter.dlgs inside Korlasz' Crypt. Refer also to Modding Tutorial Part 1, Chapter "General throughts to NPC's joined dialoge, transition into SoD "Korlasz' Crypt", and compatibility with EndlessBG1".

Some nomenclature:

xx used as a modding prefix in this tutorial. If you don't have a prefix, check the IE Community Filename Prefix Reservations List and register one at Black Wyrm Lair Forums.
xxBiff Biff's scriptname (death variable)
xxBiffs.bcs Biff's SoD override script
xxBiff01.bcs Biff's SoD banter "area" script for first banter with Corwin
xxBiff02.bcs Biff's SoD banter "area" script for second banter with Corwin
xxBiffbx.2da List of Biff's SoD banter "area" scripts, executing scripts, and conversion partner's scriptnames for automatic transformation of SoD style banters to "dialogue style" banters in Chapter 4
xxBiffB Biff's banter.dlg name. Note: if Biff would be available in BG1, too, I'd use the same banter file name and tagg the banter with SoD only / BG1 only triggers. This simplifies compatibility with EndlessBG1's and Transition's "Korlasz' Dungeon in BG1" content.

1. Activating and Initiating Banters: Additions to NPCs' Override Scripts

The first banter is started by Biff's SoD override script xxBiffs.bcs. As an example, he will banter with Corwin.

The following is what we put into Biff's SoD script xxBiffs.bcs:

  1. The first script block activates the banter and sets a timer if both Biff and Corwin are in the party. It also increments a checking variable by "1".

    This variable is a global variable because it manages all interactions between Biff and Corwin, regardless of which NPC started the banter. It will be used for all banters between these two NPCs and increased accordingly. The examples reflect this by giving Biff and Corwin two banters in total so you can see the structure of how it works.

  2. The second script block deactivates the timer by setting the variable back to "0" if one of the NPCs is no longer in the party.
  3. The third script block activates the banters by incrementing the banter variable by one if the banter timer run out and the variable is active. This is an extra script block to ensure triggering of the banters will run at all times and not be accidentally "swallowed" by a mistimered other command for the NPC (player click or other script firing). Refer to Kulyok's tutorial "How to ensure your banters always run when you want them to" for more info about this scripting style.
  4. The 4th script block initiates the (1st) banter started by Biff by setting the GENERAL area script to a script containing our banter, which will be discussed in top 2. In this example, the banter "area" script will be called "xxBiff01".

Sidenote: of course all banters of your mod NPC could be included into the same banter "area" script file. Also, all changes of area scripts to the custom banter scripts could be done via your NPC mod's OVERRIDE script. But: if you want to offer the SoD banters in "dialogue style" as described in Chapter 4 of this tutorial, every banter needs to be in a separate file, plus the NPC starting the banter needs to have the initiation script block in their own OVERRIDE script, to enable simple conversion into "dialogue style" of the banters. I recommend putting every banter into an own baf file and removed comments on how to use one single banter "area" script file.

The following timers are used:

  1. The custom timer until this banter will be triggered, we will call it ("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBTimer","LOCALS"). Note that this timer is a random number between a minimum and a maximum specified in the first script block, and that it is reset every time one of the NPCs leave the party. With this in mind, in my opinion the standard maximum of 14 ingame days might be rather long if a player tends to switch NPCs often.
  2. ("BD_NPC_BANTER","GLOBAL") - global banter timer that spaces all NPC banters in SoD. Is reset by bdbaldur.bcs if it runs out without a banter being started (random between fifteen ingame minutes (90 s realtime) and one ingame hour, i.e. 6 minutes realtime). Also gets reset by every banter call in the NPCs' scripts (FOUR_HOURS, i.e. 24 minutes realtime) and at some point in the game where apparently no banters should fire the next ingame hours.
  3. ("BD_AREA_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA") area-specific timer that is set by baldur.bcs (SEVEN_DAYS) every time it and the global banter timer run out. This timer has to RUN so banters will fire (NPC scripts check for GlobalTimerNotExpired("BD_AREA_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA")).

The global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter_DEBUG","GLOBAL",1) in the third script block is for debugging purposes only. If you do not want to include this, leave out this variable along with the two OR(2) calls.

This is what the script blocks look like in Biff's SoD script:

/* Biff's Banters */

/* Corwin */
/* First script block: Banter activation: detect Corwin and set a timer */
	InParty(Myself) //"Myself" is Biff since we add this to his override script
	InParty("CORWIN")  // Biff's banter partner's scriptname (death variable)
	/* "xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter" is a variable for activating and initiating all banters between Biff and Corwin. It is a global variable for compatibility with changing the banters to "dialogue style" */
	OR(2) //this example covers two banters between Biff and Corwin. Adjust as needed.
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",0) //value before first banter
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",3) //value before 2nd banter
		SetGlobalTimerRandom("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBTimer","LOCALS",ONE_DAY,FOURTEEN_DAYS) //Adjust the min and max timer accordingly to what you want. We can use a local timer because all banter will be activated by Biff's script.

/* Second script block: Banter deactivation in case Corwin or Biff is no longer in the party */
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",1) //intermediate value for first banter
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",4) //intermediate value for 2nd banter
		IncrementGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",-1) //decreases value to "Corwin not detected"

/* Third script block: timer run out and banter variable incremented. */
/* note: this is for ALL banters between Biff and Corwin. */
/* activate banters */
	OR(2) //this is for debugging purposes, remove this line if you do not want to include this possibility 
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter_DEBUG","GLOBAL",1) //this is for debugging purposes, remove this line if you do not want to include this possibility 
		GlobalTimerExpired("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBTimer","LOCALS") //this needs to stay
	OR(2) //this is for debugging purposes, remove this line if you do not want to include this possibility 
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter_DEBUG","GLOBAL",1) //this is for debugging purposes, remove this line if you do not want to include this possibility 
		!GlobalTimerNotExpired("BD_NPC_BANTER","GLOBAL") //this needs to stay
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",1) //intermediate value for first banter
		Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",4) //intermediate value for 2nd banter
	IsValidForPartyDialog(Myself) //"IsValidForPartyDialog" is working in a reliable fashion in the EE, but if you prefer you can use the wellknown "CD_STATE_NOTVALID" state check together with See() and InParty() instead.
	IsValidForPartyDialog("CORWIN") //Corwin should be able to talk, too
		BanterBlockTime(450) //From IESDP: "This action extends the time taken for the banter timer to expire. The banter timers are hardcoded and every time one expires an NPC's b****.dlg is called.". Adjust the time accordingly.
		IncrementGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",1) //increment banter variable to activate 4th banter block

/* 4th script block: 1st banter is initiated by setting the area script to the custom script containing our banters. */
/* note: this is ONLY for banters started by Biff with Corwin. */
/* initiate 1st banter */
	Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",2) //trigger value for first banter - will be closed in 1st banter
	IsValidForPartyDialog(Myself) //"IsValidForPartyDialog" is working in a reliable fashion in the EE, but if you prefer you can use the wellknown "CD_STATE_NOTVALID" state check together with See() and InParty() instead.
	See("CORWIN") //just to make sure the two NPCs are near by each other, probably not needed if we use "IsValidForPartyDialog"
		SetAreaScript("xxBiff01",GENERAL) //this is the banter "area" script containing the Biff-Corwin banter.

The 2nd banter will be started by Corwin:, so we put its initiation into Corwin's OVERRIDE script.

Putting the triggering script block into Corwin's OVERRIDE would not be necessary, it could be executed by Biff's OVERRIDE just as well. We put it here to enable compatibility with the option to convert the banters into "dyalogue style" as shown in chapter 4.

We patch this into Corwin's OVERRIDE script bdcorwin.bcs:

/* 2nd banter is initiated in CORWIN's script by setting the area script to the custom script containing our banter. */
/* initiate 2nd banter */
	Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",5) //trigger value for first banter - will be closed in 1st banter
	/* "IsValidForPartyDialog" is working in a reliable fashion in the EE, but if you prefer you can use the wellknown "CD_STATE_NOTVALID" state check together with See() and InParty() instead. */
	IsValidForPartyDialog(Myself) //"Myself" is Corwin in this script
	IsValidForPartyDialog("xxBiff") //Biff needs to be able to talk, too.
	See("xxBiff") //just to make sure the two NPCs are near by each other, probably not needed if we use "IsValidForPartyDialog"
		SetAreaScript("xxBiff02",GENERAL) //this is the banter "area" script containing the 2nd Biff-Corwin banter.

And the actual patching of Corwin's OVERRIDE script in the tp2:

/* 2nd banter is initiated in CORWIN's script by setting the area script to the custom script containing our banter. */
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~bdcorwin.bcs~ ~%MOD_FOLDER%/baf/banter_corwin.baf~

2. The Banter "Area" Script

Now we need the banter "area" scripts that contains the Biff-Corwin banter. The name we give the first banter for this tutorial is "xxBiff01". Since script names are bound to a maximum letter count of 8 including your prefix, just numbering them serially for the different NPC banters might be a good idea. The 2nd banter "area" script will therefore be named "xxBiff02".

The second script block resets the area script after the banter is done.

So the first banter "area" script file "xxBiff01.baf" would contain the following:

Please note: this example of the first banter without Minsc's interjection is skipped and not included into the mod tutorial Package "Biff the Tutorial SoD NPC Mod". Refer to chapter 3 to see the banter that is included into the tutorial mod package.

/*  banter "area" script "xxBiff01.baf" with 1st Biff-Corwin banter: */
	!GlobalTimerNotExpired("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA") //this means "timer IS expired" or "was never set yet"
	!Global("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",-1) //stop the loop if the variable is at "-1"
	Switch("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA") //this switches between the different RESPONSE #x depending on the variable's value ("x").
		DisplayStringHead("xxBiff",~I'm not sure what I should be talking about. I know all the other NPC's lines, though! Pretend I'm Minsc, yes?~)  
		SetGlobalTimer("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA",9) //The value given here is the time in seconds until the next NPC line is shown. Chose the value depending on the length of the sentence / audio file.
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",10) //This makes the "switch" jump to the "RESPONSE #10" for the next loop: the script is still active, the script block gets executed again, but this time, Corwin replies:
		DisplayStringHead("CORWIN",%2%58849)  // ~There's no shortfall of faces deserving a good kick in this world. I'm sure we'll come across one sooner than later.~ - We use existing lines from here, the string numbers have to be ajusted for EET. //the "%2%" is for unifying string reference numbers for SoD and EET. Definition and use please refer to Modding Tutorial Part 3, Chapter "Training the Recruits in the Coalition Camp".
		DisplayStringHead("xxBiff",%2%58850)  // ~And then Minsc does what he does best! Hehe!~ 
		DisplayStringHead("corwin",%2%58851)  // ~Ramble nonsensically to his pet rodent about other peoples' rears?~
		DisplayStringHead("xxBiff",%2%58852)  // ~And then Minsc will do what he does second best!~
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",3) // close variable after 1st banter
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",-1) //this defines the banter to end, and the wanted "loop" cycle stops. The script is still active, so the second script blocks gets executed:

/* second script block: deactivate this script by resetting the area script. This script block is needed once at the end of the banter "area" file. */
	!GlobalTimerNotExpired("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA") //this means "timer IS expired"
		SetAreaScript("",GENERAL) //sets area script back (default is "no GENERAL script")

The second banter "area" script file "xxBiff02.baf" would contain the following. To make the example more intseresting, this dialogue will be started by Corwin, not Biff.

/*  banter "area" script "xxBiff02.baf" with 2nd Biff-Corwin banter. This banter is started by Corwin: */
	!GlobalTimerNotExpired("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA") //this means "timer IS expired" or "was never set yet"
	!Global("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff02","MYAREA",-1) //stop the loop of this banter if the variable is at "-1"
	Switch("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff02","MYAREA") //this switches between the different RESPONSE #x depending on the variable's value ("x").
		DisplayStringHead("CORWIN",~Som what does it feel like, being a real NPC and not only the Understudy?~)  
		SetGlobalTimer("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA",7) //The value given here is the time in seconds until the next NPC line is shown. Chose the value depending on the length of the sentence / audio file.
		SetGlobal("xx_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",10) //This makes the "switch" jump to the "RESPONSE #10" for the next loop.
		DisplayStringHead("xxBiff",~Wait, I don't know that line... Oh, it's a real question! Thank you! Thank you, Corwin! I feel great!~
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",6) // close variable of 2nd banter - was at "5"
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff02","MYAREA",-1) //this defines the banter to end, and the wanted "loop" cycle stops. The script is still active, so the second script blocks gets executed:

/* second script block: deactivate this script by resetting the area script. This script block is needed once at the end of the banter "area" file. */
	!GlobalTimerNotExpired("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA") //this means "timer IS expired"
		SetAreaScript("",GENERAL) //sets area script back (default is "no GENERAL script")

And the according compilation of the banter "area" files in the tp2:

/* banter scripts with Corwin */

3. Having another NPC Interject into the Banter

What if we want to have another NPC participate in the banter, but without making the whole banter dependent on this other NPC's presence? If they are there and can talk, they should pipe in, but if not, the banter between Corwin and Biff should fire nontheless.

For this, we include the other NPC's line into our banter "area" script, together with another script block that toggles the switch variable. Let's say Minsc should say something after Biff's first line if he's there. If not, the banter should skip his line and just Corwin and Biff should banter with each other like they would in the example of section 2.

For Biff's first line, the variable is at "0" (if we chose one banter per file and did not set the variable in Biff's script, or it is at "1" if it was set in Biff's script). Corwin's line then follows for "10". Minsc's line should be between the two, so we set the variable to "2", i.e. a value between the two others.

In this case, the xxBiff01.baf would look like this:

/*  banter "area" script "xxBiff01.baf" with 1st Biff-Corwin banter including Minsc's interjection: */

/* this script block toggles Minsc's line: if he is there an can talk, his line will come before Corwin's. */
	Global("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",10) //"10" means Corwin's line would be next
	Global("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01_2","MYAREA",0) //make sure this script block only runs once when it should
	IfValidForPartyDialogue("MINSC")  // Minsc is present and can talk
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",2) //variable is set to "2" so now Minsc can say his line
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01_2","MYAREA",1) //close variable of this script block so it only runs once

	!GlobalTimerNotExpired("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA") //this means "timer IS expired" or "was never set yet"
	!Global("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",-1) //stop the loop if the variable is at "-1"
	Switch("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA") //this switches between the different RESPONSE #x depending on the variable's value ("x").
		DisplayStringHead("xxBiff",~I'm not sure what I should be talking about. I know all the other NPC's lines, though! Pretend I'm Minsc, yes?~)  
		SetGlobalTimer("BD_BANTER_DELAY","MYAREA",9) //The value given here is the time in seconds until the next NPC line is shown. Chose the value depending on the length of the sentence / audio file.
	RESPONSE #2 //This is Minsc's line
		DisplayStringHead("MINSC",~Ah, but Biff will never be a real Minsc, without a giant space hamster!~)  
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",10) //This makes the "switch" jump to the "RESPONSE #10" for the next loop: the script is still active, the script block gets executed again, but this time, Corwin replies:
		DisplayStringHead("CORWIN",%2%58849)  // ~There's no shortfall of faces deserving a good kick in this world. I'm sure we'll come across one sooner than later.~ - We use existing lines from here, the string numbers have to be ajusted for EET. //the "%2%" is for unifying string reference numbers for SoD and EET. Definition and use please refer to Modding Tutorial Part 3, Chapter "Training the Recruits in the Coalition Camp".
		DisplayStringHead("xxBiff",%2%58850)  // ~And then Minsc does what he does best! Hehe!~ 
		DisplayStringHead("corwin",%2%58851)  // ~Ramble nonsensically to his pet rodent about other peoples' rears?~
		DisplayStringHead("xxBiff",%2%58852)  // ~And then Minsc will do what he does second best!~
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",3) // close variable after 1st banter
		SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_xxBiff01","MYAREA",-1) //this defines the banter to end, and the wanted "loop" cycle stops. The script is still active, so the second script blocks gets executed:

/* second script block: deactivate this script by resetting the area script. This script block is needed once at the end of the banter "area" file. */
		SetAreaScript("",GENERAL) //sets area script back (default is "no GENERAL script")

/* second script block: deactivate this script by resetting the area script. This script block is needed once at the end of the banter "area" file. */
		SetAreaScript("",GENERAL) //sets area script back (default is "no GENERAL script")

4. Include Optional Component for Banters in "Dialog Style"

This section shows how you can transfer the "SoD style banters" into "dialogue style" banters, with banters not happening as text lines above the NPC's heads while they walk around but inside a dialogue box like they are in BG2 and most mods. The syntax for the tp2 conversion from script call to NPC interaction was taken from the mod SoD Dialogue Banters, by AstroBryGuy which gives this conversion for the original NPCs.

For this, we first need to prepare the game to be able to play banters with the NPCs' banter files defined in bdbanter.2da. The engine supports it in SoD, but because of the different way of scripting banters in SoD, the bdbanter.2da does not exist in the original game. Also, the original game does not include the actual banter files for the original NPCs. We will need to add all files first if they are not already present from another mod. See also [How-To] Assigning Banter Files for Original NPCs to bdbanter.2da in SoD (Community Effort).

Please note: in BG:SoD, Imoen's scriptname is IMOEN, whereas in EET you'll see that it is IMOEN2. Since EET ships with bdbanter.2da present, we only need to consider SoD. We can use the same code to patch it for EET because we check for the existence of all files anyhow just in case another mod already put them in.

This is the contents of bdbanter.2da we put into an own file:

2DA      V1.0

To first create - if not already present - and also patch the bdbanter.2da, this is what you need to add to thetp2, with "xxBiff" being the example NPC's scriptname you would replace with your NPC's scriptname.

/* SoD bdbanter.2da - create if not present and patch with Biff's entry */
  COPY ~%MOD_FOLDER%/2da/BDBANTER.2DA~ ~override~ 
  APPEND ~bdbanter.2da~
		~xxBiff 	xxBiffB~ //replace with scriptname and banter file name of your NPC
  UNLESS ~xxBiff~ //replace with scriptname of your NPC      

Next problem is that the banter.dlgs of the NPCs are not existent in the original SoD game, as already pointed out. They need to be present if we want to add to them, so we make sure they are created, but only if they were not present already. Again, this can be used for EET without adaption.

To create the banter.dlgs if they are not present yet, this goes into the tp2 of your NPC mod. This syntax considers all banter.dlgs for all original NPCs:

/* Create NPC's Banter file if not present */
	COUNT_2DA_ROWS cols rows
	FOR ( row = 2 ; row < rows ; row = row + 1 ) BEGIN
		READ_2DA_ENTRY %row% 0 2 npc_dv
    	READ_2DA_ENTRY %row% 1 2 banterfile
		<<<<<<<< .../banterfiles-inlined/%banterfile%.d
		 BEGIN %banterfile%
		COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~.../banterfiles-inlined/%banterfile%.d~ 

For the actual banters, we do need an extra d-file containing all banters with the lines from the banter "area" baf-files. All banters with all NPCs can go into the same d-file.

Please note: This banter d-file and the banter "area" script files will use the same text lines. Make sure you use the same tra-file for both d-file and baf-files containing the banters when you "traify" the mod so lines will not be doubled.

For Biff's banters, the file will be called banter_sod.d and has the following content:

/* (T4) this is banter_sod.d: Biff's banters in "dialogue style" format, for the optional component to transform his banters. Triggered by his OVERRIDE script. */

BEGIN xxBiffB //dlg needs to be created once

/* 1st with Corwin, "xxBiff01.baf". Minsc interjects if he's present */
/* We only need the checking variable here. All other checks (whether NPCs can talk etc. was done inside the script. */
~Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN xxBiffB biff_corwin_sod_1
~I'm not sure what I should be talking about. I know all the other NPC's lines, though! Pretend I'm Minsc, yes?~
DO ~SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",3)~ //we need to close the variable for dialogue style, too.
/* Minsc's line - will only show if he's present and can talk. */
== BDMINSCB IF ~IfValidForPartyDialogue("MINSC")~ THEN ~Ah, but Biff will never be a real Minsc, without a giant space hamster!~
/* the "%2%" is for unifying string reference numbers for SoD and EET. Definition and use please refer to Modding Tutorial Part 3, Chapter "Training the Recruits in the Coalition Camp". */
== BDCORWIB #%2%58849 
== xxBiffB #%2%58850
== BDCORWIB #%2%58851
== xxBiffB #%2%58852

/* 2nd with Corwin, "xxBiff02.baf" - started by Corwin */
/* We only need the checking variable here. All other checks (whether NPCs can talk etc. was done inside the script. */
~Global("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",5)~ THEN BDCORWIB biff_corwin_sod_2
~So, what does it feel like, being a real NPC and not only the Understudy?~
DO ~SetGlobal("xxBiff_SoD_CorwinBanter","GLOBAL",6)~ //we need to close the variable for dialogue style, too.
== xxBiffB ~Wait, I don't know that line... Oh, it's a real question! Thank you! Thank you, Corwin! I feel great!~

Now we need to adapt the triggering of the banters. Currently, an area script is set. We need to change this to "Interact()" between the two NPCs talking. To make the transformation as simple as possible, we will use a 2da file which will give details about the banter area file name, the NPC script triggering the banter, and the scriptname of the NPC spoken to for every banter.

The rows and columns in the xxbiffbx.2da mean the following:

  1. Each row is for one banter. The first column gives the "area" script file name of the relevant banter.
  2. The second column gives the OVERRIDE scripts the banter will be started from.
  3. The third column gives the scriptname (death variable) of the NPC spoken to (i.e. not the NPC starting the banter, but the one that should be the conversion partner being addressed in the banter).

For the two banters with Corwin, the 2da would look like this. We call it xxbiffbx.2da:

xxBiff01	xxBiffs		CORWIN
xxBiff02	bdcorwin	xxBiff

This is the code you need in the tp2 to let weidu make the transformation upon install: all "SetAreaScript"s are now transformed into "Interact()" actions, and because of the 2da the installer knows which banter should be triggered by which script block because each banter has a unique file name. (This is why we put every banter into a single file.)

/* change the calling of the scripts to "Interact("npc") for all banters 
Code taken from AstroBryGuy's "SoD Dialog Banters" mod with many thanks! */
// Edit NPC scripts to start Interact actions for banters
COPY ~%MOD_FOLDER%/2da/xxBiffbx.2da~ ~c#brandock/install~
	COUNT_2DA_ROWS cols rows
	FOR ( row = 0 ; row < rows ; row = row + 1 ) BEGIN
		READ_2DA_ENTRY %row% 0 3 banter
    	READ_2DA_ENTRY %row% 1 3 script
    	READ_2DA_ENTRY %row% 2 3 interact
      		COPY_EXISTING ~%script%.BCS~ ~override~
        			REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~SetAreaScript("%banter%",GENERAL)~ ~Interact("%interact%")~

Now we only need to wrap this into an optional component which is dependent on the main mod, and we are done - all players happy!

The following covers the structure for the optional component and goes into the tp2. To complete it, fill in the above given tp2 content:

// Use Dialogue Style for SoD Banters //

BEGIN ~Use Dialogue Style for SoD Banters for Biff~ 
DESIGNATED 10 /* giving the component a DESIGNATED number which will not change in the future is of great importance for crossmod compatibility. In this case, "10" is an arbitrary number greater than "0" which is the main component. Chose the number so it makes sense in your mod. */
LABEL xxbiff_sod_tutorial_mod-dialogue_style_sod_banter /* define a unique global label for this mod component(!). It basically does what DESIGNATED does, only better. And it helps Project Infinity remember the component when setting up an install list. */
/* make sure the component can only be installed if the main component is installed */
REQUIRE_COMPONENT ~xxBiff.tp2~ ~0~  ~Biff main component needs to be installed for this.~
/* in case your main mod also covers other games than SoD, we include the SoD check again because this component only makes sense for SoD: */
REQUIRE_PREDICATE (GAME_IS ~bgee eet~ AND FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~bd0103.are~) @90001 /* ~This mod is really only for SoD~ */

//add creation of bdbanter.2da here (s. above) - it could also go into the main mod.

//add creation of banter files for original NPCs here (s. above)

COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~%MOD_FOLDER%/dialogue/banter_sod.d~

//add conversion from "SetAreaScript" to "Interact" here (s. above)


5. Credits, Used Tools, and Helpful Links

Thank you to Argent77 for the html template!

Used Tools:

Near Infinity




BeamDog Forums

The Gibberlings 3


Spellhold Studios

Pocket PLane Group

Prefix Reservation at Black Wyrm Lair Forums

Mod: SoD Dialogue Banters, by AstroBryGuy

"Tutorial: How to ensure your banters always run when you want them to"

[How-To] Assigning Banter Files for Original NPCs to bdbanter.2da in SoD (Community Effort).

6. Version History

Version 4:

Version 3:

Version 2:

Version 1: