BG(2)EE Identifiers

Objects can be split broadly into three categories; static objects, marked objects and object specifiers. Static objects (e.g. Player1, Myself) are always bound (and in fact, they always return the same creature). Marked objects (e.g. LastSeenBy, LastAttackerOf) are almost always bound. Object specifiers (e.g. [ENEMY.0.0.MAGE] are not bound — they are checked every time they are referenced. Objects listed in object.ids are marked objects and are not saved over game sessions.
  • Group objects are determined by the specifics value set in the creature file.
  • Nearest() identifiers cascade outwards, i.e. if there are only three valid creatures, FourthNearest() and above will return the third nearest creature (rather than false).

IDS V1.0

Returns the active creature.

Returns the weakest player character (in the party).

Returns the strongest player character (in the party).

Returns the most damaged player character (in the party).

Returns the least damaged player character (in the party).

Returns the creature that last inflicted physical damage on the active creature.

Returns the nearest creature of opposite allegiance.

Returns the nearest visible creature — usually the active creature.

Returns the last creature that activated the active trigger region.

Set by See() and Detect(), not by Exists() or Range().

Returns the last creature that has been targeted by StartDialogue() or similar actions.

Returns the last creature that triggered a Help() or Shout() action.

Assigned to party members in their join order, lowest first. If a member leaves the party, the associated object will be invalid until a new member joins or the game is reloaded (when the list gets compacted).
Use the Player1Fill family of objects if you want to avoid any gaps.

Synonymous with Player1.

Returns the strongest male player character (in the party).

Returns the player character (in the party) with the highest AC.

Returns the player character (in the party) with the lowest AC.

Returns the character who summoned the active creature.

It auto-populates the EA field of the object selector and immediately evaluates it, so it's useless to define the EA manually.

It auto-populates the SPECIFIC field of the object selector and immediately evaluates it, so it's useless to define the SPECIFIC manually.

Assigned to party members in their join order, lowest first. If a member leaves the party, objects with a higher ID will be shifted one down. Eg. if Player2 is booted, previous Player3 will be accessible via Player2, Player4 via Player3 and so on.

Returns the nearest closed door (does not detect secret doors, or locked doors).

Returns the player in the first portrait slot.

Returns the familiar creature if present.

Returns the summoner of the current familiar.

Returns the nearest creature of same allegiance.

Returns the farthest enemy within visual range of the active creature.