Parameter #1: AC Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
AC Modifier
field to the category specified
by the Type
field.Known values for
- 0 ⟶ All
- 1 ⟶ Crushing
- 2 ⟶ Missile
- 4 ⟶ Piercing
- 8 ⟶ Slashing
16 ⟶ Base AC setting
- Sets the targets AC to the value specified by the
AC Modifier
field. If the targets AC is alreadyAC Modifier
or below, this effect will do nothing.
- Sets the targets AC to the value specified by the
Each modifier type to AC from this opcode is capped to the range [-20,20]
. Each AC type total is capped to the range [-32768,32767]
IWD2 uses different parameters altogether.
:- Modifies ARMORCLASS.
- With
Timing Mode
, alters target's baseArmor Class
- With
Timing Mode
, alters target's baseCrushing AC
- With
Timing Mode
, alters target's baseMissile AC
- With
Timing Mode
, alters target's basePiercing AC
- With
Timing Mode
, alters target's baseSlashing AC
:- Modifies ARMORCLASS.
- With
Timing Mode
, alters target's baseArmor Class
, still subject to "only if better/lower", checked against base value, not current effective value.
Parameter #1: Key Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Key | Attacks per Round |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 0.5 |
7 | 1.5 |
8 | 2.5 |
9 | 3.5 |
10 | 4.5 |
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Key = Key + 'Key Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Key = 'Key Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Key = (Key * 'Key Modifier' value) / 100
3 Cumulative Modifier -> Same as 0
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Target will uncontrollably attack enemies if any are in view, and will occasionally attack neutral creatures. This effect only affects party members.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Always Active
2 Blood Rage
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: General Type
Parameter #2: Charm Type
Known values for 'Charm Type' are:
0 Charmed (Target neutral after effect ends)
1 Charmed (Target hostile after effect ends)
2 Dire charmed (Target neutral after effect ends)
3 Dire charmed (Target hostile after effect ends)
4 Controlled by Cleric
5 Target is hostile
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Charisma = Charisma + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Charisma = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Charisma = (Charisma * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Negative values for 'Statistic Modifier' act as follows for the 'Type' modes:
0 Charisma = Charisma - 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Charisma = 25
2 Charisma = 25
Parameter #1: Gradient Number
Parameter #2: Location
Known values for 'Location' are:
0 Body Metal
1 Body User 2
2 Body User 1
3 Body Skin
4 Body Leather
5 Body Armor
6 Body Hair
16 Weapon Metal
18 Weapon User 1
19 Weapon User 2
20 Weapon Leather
21 Weapon Armor
32 Shield Metal
33 Shield User 2
34 Shield User 1
36 Shield Leather
37 Shield Armor
48 Helmet Metal
49 Helmet User 2
50 Helmet User 1
52 Helmet Leather
53 Helmet Armor
255 Whole Body
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
Known values for 'Location' are:
0 Body metal
1 Body User 2
2 Body User 1
3 Body Skin
4 Body Leather
5 Body Armor
6 Body Hair
16 Weapon Metal
18 Weapon User 1
19 Weapon User 2
20 Weapon Leather
21 Weapon Armor
32 Shield Metal
33 Shield User 2
34 Shield User 1
36 Shield Leather
37 Shield Armor
48 Helmet Metal
49 Helmet User 2
50 Helmet User 1
52 Helmet Leather
53 Helmet Armor
255 Whole Body
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location and Speed
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
The 'Location and Speed' field is handled as follows:
First byte = Location
Third byte = Speed
A speed of 0 does not pulsate. A speed of 1 is fastest, and a speed of 255 is slowest.
Known values for 'Location' are:
0 Body metal
1 Body User 2
2 Body User 1
3 Body Skin
4 Body Leather
5 Body Armor
6 Body Hair
16 Weapon Metal
18 Weapon User 1
19 Weapon User 2
20 Weapon Leather
21 Weapon Armor
32 Shield Metal
33 Shield User 2
34 Shield User 1
36 Shield Leather
37 Shield Armor
48 Helmet Metal
49 Helmet User 2
50 Helmet User 1
52 Helmet Leather
53 Helmet Armor
255 Whole Body
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Constitution = Constitution + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Constitution = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Constitution = (Constitution * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Negative values for 'Statistic Modifier' act as follows for the 'Type' modes:
0 Constitution = Constitution - 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Constitution = 25
2 Constitution = 25
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Damage Amount
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Crushing
1 Crushing Set to Value
2 Crushing Set to Percentage
65536 Acid
65537 Acid Set to Value
65538 Acid Set to Percentage
131072 Cold
131073 Cold Set to Value
131074 Cold Set to Percentage
262144 Electricity
262145 Electricity Set to Value
262146 Electricity Set to Percentage
524288 Fire
524289 Fire Set to Value
524290 Fire Set to Percentage
1048576 Piercing
1048577 Piercing Set to Value
1048578 Piercing Set to Percentage
2097152 Poison
2097153 Poison Set to Value
2097154 Poison Set to Percentage
4194304 Magic
4194305 Magic Set to Value
4194306 Magic Set to Percentage
8388608 Missile
8388609 Missile Set to Value
8388610 Missile Set to Percentage
16777216 Slashing
16777217 Slashing Set to Value
16777218 Slashing Set to Percentage
33554432 Magic Fire
33554433 Magic Fire Set to Value
33554434 Magic Fire Set to Percentage
67108864 Magic Cold
67108865 Magic Cold Set to Value
67108866 Magic Cold Set to Percentage
134217728 Stunning
134217729 Stunning Set to Value
134217730 Stunning Set to Percentage
268435456 Soul Eater
268435457 Soul Eater Set to Value
268435458 Soul Eater Set to Percentage
1073741824 Disease
1073741825 Disease Set to Value
1073741826 Disease Set to Percentage
The Dice values can be used to inflict varying damage amounts - e.g. 2d6 would do 2-12 damage (Damage type is still specified by the 'Type' value).
If 'Damage Amount' and the Dice values are both non-zero, the total damage inflicted is: 'Damage Amount' + Dice value.
'Damage Amount' can be positive or negative (though the damage sound will play in either case).
Parameter #1: Text Notification
Parameter #2: Death Type
Known values for 'Text Notification' are:
0 Show death message
1 Don't show death message
Known values for 'Death Type' are:
0 Acid death
1 Burning death
2 Crushed death
4 Normal death
8 Exploding death
16 Stoned death
32 Freezing death
512 Permanent death
1024 Destruction death
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Dexterity = Dexterity + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Dexterity = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Dexterity = (Dexterity * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
3 Cat's Grace Spell ('Statistic Modifier' should be set to 0)
Negative values for 'Statistic Modifier' act as follows for the 'Type' modes:
0 Dexterity = Dexterity - 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Dexterity = 25
2 Dexterity = 25
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier: HP = HP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier: HP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier: HP = (HP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Special: Mode
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
HP = HP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
(affects current and max HP) - 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
HP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
(affects current and max HP) - 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
HP = (HP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
(affects current and max HP) - 3 ⟶ As
(does not affect current HP) - 4 ⟶ As
(does not affect current HP) - 5 ⟶ As
(does not affect current HP) - 6 ⟶ Non-cumulative Modifier:
HP = HP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
(affects current and max HP) (EE only)
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Normal: Effect functions as dictated by the
field. -
1 ⟶ Do not update current HP.
- This value is set automatically once the effect has been initially processed on a creature.
- For normal operation, the special field MUST be zero.
is set internally to 6
. As mentioned here, multiple effects of Type=6
can be carried by the creature at the same time and only the largest value is used when calculating extra HP. Hence the term “noncumulative coexisting”. This functionality doesn’t interact with other forms (Type != 6
) of HP gain, and cumulative HP drain doesn’t use Type=6
or 5
use the base maximum HP value, and therefore override other Type
or 5
Statistic Modifier
and the Dice values are both non-zero, the total HP change is: 'Statistic Modifier' + Dice value
- Maximum HP cannot be reduced below a creature's level/HD (average level rounded up for multiclasses).
- It is still able to reduce current HP below the creature's level/HD, and has the same bugged death as opcode #17 if it reduces a creature to zero or less HP.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Intelligence = Intelligence + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Intelligence = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Intelligence = (Intelligence * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are :
0 Normal Invisibility -> affected creature makes the first attack with +4
1 Improved Invisibility -> affected creature stays invisible after attack
2 Toggle Invisibility -> affected creature invisibility state toggles when executing an action
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Lore = Lore + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Lore = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Lore = (Lore * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies LORE.
Timing Mode 1
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
field. Luck affects the minimum damage caused by a weapon (up to the normal maximum damage of the weapon) and the attack roll modifier (up to a maximum of 20, excluding natural attack roll modifiers, e.g. high STR, invisibility etc) by Statistic Modifier
amount. Statistic Modifier
also affects the damge rolls of opponents (in feature blocks, not extension headers). The effect does not set STATE_LUCK.
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Luck = Luck + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Luck = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Luck = (Luck * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- Modifies a creature's weapon damage die rolls (up/down to its maximum/minimum).
- Modifies a creatures's attack roll
(up/down to its maximum/minimum). - Modifies non-weapon damage die rolls dealt to the creature (up/down to its maximum/minimum).
- Modifies a creatures's initiative roll
[1d6 - 4]
for weapon attacks (up/down to its maximum/minimum). See opcode #190 for further details about weapon/attack speed. - Modifies a creatures's initiative roll
[1d8 - 1]
for movement (up/down to its maximum/minimum). - Modifies a creatures's skill roll
for Hiding in Shadows (up/down to its maximum/minimum). - Modifies a creatures's skill roll
for Set Traps (up/down to its maximum/minimum). - Modifies a creatures's skill roll
for Open Locks (up/down to its maximum/minimum). - Modifies a creatures's skill roll
for Bash Doors (up/down to its maximum/minimum). - Modifies a creatures's skill roll
for Disarm Trap (up/down to its maximum/minimum). - Modifies the chance for a Mirror Image to be struck,
chance = ('number of images' + 'Statistic Modifier') / ('number of images' + 1)
Apparently, there is intentionally a random wait time between when a creature attempts to move to another creature, and when they will actually start pathing. Luck helps with this...
Wait Time = 0, when roll = 0
Wait Time = (8 - roll), when roll != 0
- The natural roll range is
, but like many other rolls Luck alters this slightly. For every point in Luck the highest bound of the roll is converted into the lower bound. - So with
Luck the roll becomes[0,6]
, with0
having a probability of 25% instead of 12.5%. Negative luck works the same, but in reverse. -
is the worst roll you can get, yet it is neither of the extremes. So,-1
Luck is bad because it prevents you from bypassing the wait time, (rolling a0
), but if Luck must be negative, the lower the better.Luck = "-1"
: Worst roll possible is a1
, you will be waiting for 7 AI updates (or, if you prefer, 7⁄15ths of a second).Luck = "-7"
: Worst roll possible is a7
, you will be waiting for 1 AI update (or, if you prefer, 1⁄15th of a second)!!
- Positive Luck will always increase the likelihood of instantaneous pathing.
- Note that this wait time is only applied to creature-to-creature pathing, and never to on-the-ground destinations.
- Also, every creature rolls for their own delay when they go to target a creature.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Special: Mode
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Morale = Morale + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Morale = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Morale = (Morale * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
At least in EEs, known values for
0 ⟶ BG2 mode – It's hardcoded to fill the following values:
Statistic Modifier = 10
Type = 1
m_done = 1
(internal field that immediately removes the effect from creature, no matterduration
)- In addition, it checks if the creature is berserking, and if it is, it returns without doing anything.
- 1 ⟶ BG1 mode – Default (functions as expected)
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Normal
1 Harpy Wail
Parameter #1: Damage Amount
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Inflict 'Damange Amount' per second
1 Inflict 'Damage Amount' per second halting at value controlled by 'Damage Amount' (pattern unknown)
2 Inflict 'Damage Amount' per second
3 Inflict 1 Damage per 'Damage Amount' seconds
4 Inflict 'Damage Amount' per round
5 Crash
6 Snakebite
8 Envenomed Weapon
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
items in addition to all opcode #283 effects from the targeted creature(s).
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTACID.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTCOLD.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTELECTRICITY.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTFIRE.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Restore creature animation?
Known values for
Restore creature animation?
- 0 ⟶ No
- 1 ⟶ Yes
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Base Animation = 0x6000
+ Class:
(Monk)- Mutliclasses prioritize (Warrior > Priest > Rogue > Wizard)
+ Gender:
+ Race:
- This opcode will only restore life to creatures with STATE_DEAD. Frozen and Petrified creatures do not qualify until after they shatter (at which point you can no longer target them outside of scripts, so it doesn't really matter).
- The animation reset is not dependent on the target's death state.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 3 ⟶ Increment Instantly:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
(EE only)
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies SAVEVSDEATH.
Type = 3
, this opcode processes before saving throws are checked for effects proceeding it in the same effect stack; when Type = 0
, it processes after.
Type = 3
modifies instantly SAVEVSWANDS instead of SAVEVSDEATH.As a result, saving throws for effects in the same effect stack and after this opcode are not processed as expected.
Effects proceeded after the stack are treated normaly like
Type = 0
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 3 ⟶ Increment Instantly:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
(EE only)
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies SAVEVSWANDS.
Type = 3
, this opcode processes before saving throws are checked for effects proceeding it in the same effect stack; when Type = 0
, it processes after.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 3 ⟶ Increment Instantly:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
(EE only)
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies SAVEVSPOLY.
Type = 3
, this opcode processes before saving throws are checked for effects proceeding it in the same effect stack; when Type = 0
, it processes after.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 3 ⟶ Increment Instantly:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
(EE only)
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies SAVEVSBREATH.
Type = 3
, this opcode processes before saving throws are checked for effects proceeding it in the same effect stack; when Type = 0
, it processes after.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 3 ⟶ Increment Instantly:
Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
(EE only)
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies SAVEVSSPELL.
Type = 3
, this opcode processes before saving throws are checked for effects proceeding it in the same effect stack; when Type = 0
, it processes after.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
A silenced creature cannot cast spells / use special abilities (unless flagged as
Castable when silenced
), bard song or initiate dialog.The engine is hard-coded to allow these spells to be cast by a silenced creature:
(Teleport to Pocket Plane) in BG2/BGEE
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Wake on Damage?
Special: Icon
Known values for
Wake on Damage?
are (only in EEs):
- 0 ⟶ Yes
- 1 ⟶ No
defines the index from STATDESC.2DA for custom portrait icons (EE only). Default value is Sleep
. If it is set, also spell state PRONE
will be set. Otherwise the creature will be moved to the backlist and become untargettable by most scripts.
This opcode sets the STATE_SLEEPING
flag bits.
Timing Mode
s 1/4/7
the bits cannot be removed in-game.Moreover, the
works as the Wake on Hit
option. It’s just not usable because of the unremovable STATE_HELPLESS
damage done by normal fists.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
portrait icon.
Casting Time
of all spells. Not verified for IWD2.
flag and nothing else when applied with Timing Mode 1
, and cannot be removed within the game by any means, only suppressed by Haste.
Parameter #1: Colour
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Colour' are:
0 Crash
1 No effect / Black
2 White / White -> Blue
3 Purple -> White / Purple -> White
.. White
13 Crash
Known values for 'Type' are:
1 Sparkle Puff
2 No effect?
3 Sparkle Shower
Parameter #1: Slot Amount Modifier
Parameter #2: Spell Level
Slot Amount Modifier
field, at the level specified by the Spell Level
field. Wizard spells are used by Bards, Sorcerers and Wizards in IWD2.Known values for
Spell Level
0 ⟶ Double spells
- The amount of spell slots is doubled for the level specified by the
Slot Amount Modifier
value and all levels below
- The amount of spell slots is doubled for the level specified by the
- BIT0 ⟶ Level 1
- BIT1 ⟶ Level 2
- BIT2 ⟶ Level 3
- BIT3 ⟶ Level 4
- BIT4 ⟶ Level 5
- BIT5 ⟶ Level 6
- BIT6 ⟶ Level 7
- BIT7 ⟶ Level 8
- BIT8 ⟶ Level 9
BIT9 ⟶ Double spells
- The amount of spell slots is doubled exclusively for the level specified by
Slot Amount Modifier
- The amount of spell slots is doubled exclusively for the level specified by
The target creature(s) must have at least 1 slot at the selected level to have their slot count changed.
Negative slots start at 65535 (-1)
, and go from there. Even though the spellbook has room to display only 12 slots at once, the slots are still there and usable.
Slot Amount Modifier
can be positive or negative.
If the number of current spell slots is 1:
- applying a
modifier will result in zero current slots and prevent further applications of this opcode from altering spell slots (until this effect terminates or is removed, or the base amount changes). - applying a
modifier instead would bypass zero and result in65535 (-1)
. Then applying a+1
modifier would result in zero current slots and a repeat of the above.
- applying a
- Regardless of whether the value can be altered, the effect is still attached to the creature, rather than being discarded entirely. They can still take effect should the creature's base spell slots be altered (such as from leveling up).
- Applying multiple effects in increments of
will insure that spell slots do not go below zero (and thus will not wrap around to maximum).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
- Will not remove a currently delayed (untriggered) Petrification effect.
- Nor will it remove the False Petrification mode of opcode #109.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Strength = Strength + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Strength = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Strength = (Strength * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
3 Strength Spell ('Statistic Modifier' should be set to 0)
Negative values for 'Statistic Modifier' act as follows for the 'Type' modes:
0 Strength = Strength - 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Strength = 25
2 Strength = 25
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Normal
1 Unstun on Damage
2 Power Word Stun
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Wisdom = Wisdom + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Wisdom = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Wisdom = (Wisdom * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Negative values for 'Statistic Modifier' act as follows for the 'Type' modes:
0 Wisdom = Wisdom - 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Wisdom = 25
2 Wisdom = 25
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Speed
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
The 'Speed' field is handled as follows:
Third byte = Speed (0-255)
A speed of 0 does not pulsate. A speed of 1 is fastest, and a speed of 255 is slowest.
Known values for 'Location and Speed' are:
0 Body metal
1 Body User 2
2 Body User 1
3 Body Skin
4 Body Leather
5 Body Armor
6 Body Hair
16 Weapon Metal
18 Weapon User 1
19 Weapon User 2
20 Weapon Leather
21 Weapon Armor
32 Shield Metal
33 Shield User 2
34 Shield User 1
36 Shield Leather
37 Shield Armor
48 Helmet Metal
49 Helmet User 2
50 Helmet User 1
52 Helmet Leather
53 Helmet Armor
255 Whole Body
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
Known values for 'Location' are:
0 Body metal
1 Body User 2
2 Body User 1
3 Body Skin
4 Body Leather
5 Body Armor
6 Body Hair
16 Weapon Metal
18 Weapon User 1
19 Weapon User 2
20 Weapon Leather
21 Weapon Armor
32 Shield Metal
33 Shield User 2
34 Shield User 1
36 Shield Leather
37 Shield Armor
48 Helmet Metal
49 Helmet User 2
50 Helmet User 1
52 Helmet Leather
53 Helmet Armor
255 Whole Body
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location
The 'RGB Colour' field is handled as follows:
Second byte = Red (0-255)
Third byte = Green (0-255)
Fourth byte = Blue (0-255)
Known values for 'Location' are:
0 Body metal
1 Body User 2
2 Body User 1
3 Body Skin
4 Body Leather
5 Body Armor
6 Body Hair
16 Weapon Metal
18 Weapon User 1
19 Weapon User 2
20 Weapon Leather
21 Weapon Armor
32 Shield Metal
33 Shield User 2
34 Shield User 1
36 Shield Leather
37 Shield Armor
48 Helmet Metal
49 Helmet User 2
50 Helmet User 1
52 Helmet Leather
53 Helmet Armor
255 Whole Body
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
THAC0 = THAC0 + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
THAC0 = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
THAC0 = (THAC0 * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Known values for
IDS File
- 2 ⟶ EA.IDS
- 4 ⟶ RACE.IDS
- 9 ⟶ KIT.IDS (EE only)
IDS Entry
is a value from the specified IDS file, indicating the specific creature type to affect.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Alignment
Known values for
- 00 ⟶ None
- 17 ⟶ Lawful Good
- 18 ⟶ Lawful Neutral
- 19 ⟶ Lawful Evil
- 33 ⟶ Neutral Good
- 34 ⟶ True Neutral
- 35 ⟶ Neutral Evil
- 49 ⟶ Chaotic Good
- 50 ⟶ Chaotic Neutral
- 51 ⟶ Chaotic Evil
Parameter #1: Level
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
- 0 ⟶ Always dispel
- 1 ⟶ Use Caster Level
- 2 ⟶ Use 'Level' field
With 'Type' of 1 or 2, the base chance of successfully dispelling is 50%. This chance is modified by the relative levels of the dispeller to the caster. Each level below gives a -10% chance, each level above gives a +5% chance. There is always a 1% chance of success or failure.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Stealth = Stealth + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Stealth = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Stealth = (Stealth * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Timing Mode
s 1/4/7
permanently alter the creature's Move Silently
score, leaving no removable effect.
Type = 0
and Timing Mode = 9
, it modifies MOVESILENTLYMTPBONUS. The final value for this stat is multiplied by its percentage entry in THIEFSCL.2DA, capped to the range [0,255]
, before being included in the creature’s Move Silently
Parameter #1: Percent Chance
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Mage Spells
1 Cleric Spells
2 Innate
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Parameter #1: Slot Amount Modifier
Parameter #2: Spell Level
Known values for 'Spell Level' are:
0 Double spells
1 Level 1
2 Level 2
4 Level 3
8 Level 4
16 Level 5
32 Level 6
64 Level 7
512 Double spells
For a 'Spell Level' of 0, the amount of spell slots is doubled for the level specified by the 'Slot Amount Modifier' value and all levels below. For a 'Spell Level' of 512, the amount of spell slots is doubled for the level(s) specified by the 'Slot Amount Modifier' field. The target creature(s) must have at least 1 slot at the selected level to have their slot count changed. If the resultant slot count is negative, the creature is given 12 slots.
'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
While a creature with Infravision is currently selected,
- all visible creatures with
body heat
that are currently in a "shadowed" part of the area receive a "warm" (red-shifted) overlay body heat
is determined by a creature's animation (INI
file) usingdetected_by_infravision=1
, or by opcode #342 (p1=1
"shadowed" is determined by each area's Light Map
- Some areas have a separate Light Map for "nighttime" hours,
- Some areas have a separate Light Map for "nighttime" hours,
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
- STATE_BLUR will maintain the effects of this opcode, once this opcode expires, but only until you save & reload.
- If you set STATE_BLUR on a CRE file, it won't do anything by itself.
- If you later apply opcode #65 to the creature, once it expires, the blur visual will remain until you save & reload, but will no longer update based on your movement rate (it will remain stuck at whatever it was when the opcode expired).
Parameter #1: Fade speed
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Fade speed' are:
0 1 round (105 ticks by default)
255 Instant
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Fade In
2 Fade Out
This effect sets stat #60 (TRANSLUCENT) to param #1.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Mode
field. The Resource
key should be set to the filename of the creature to summon.
are:Mode | Position | EA |
0, 1 | effect | align with target creature |
3 | target creature | align with target creature |
4 | target creature | CRE file |
5 | effect | align against target creature |
2, else | effect | CRE file |
- Position:
- 3, 4 ⟶ summon at target creature's position
- else ⟶ summon at effect position
- EA:
Mode = 5
fails to make creatures summoned as ALLY (4) controllable. This is fixed upon reload.
- (EE only)
Resource 2
(external EFFs): Animation VVC/BAM file to be played at the summoned creature's location.
Default is a hardcoded VVC using"SPBOOM.BAM"
and palette#65
. This is generally used as the "portal" animation. - (EE only)
Resource 3
(external EFFs): Animation VVC/BAM file to be played at the location of the ability target. - Applies an opcode #271 to the summoned creature based on the duration of the
Resource 2
(not exact) and Mode set to 1 (tested only in EE). Creature will not appear/spawn until this animation finishes. - Applies a delayed opcode #215 with
resource = "SPGFLSH1"
to the summoned creature,delayed duration = 5 ticks less
than the opcode #271. - Applies a delayed opcode #68 to the summoned creature based on effect duration (unless permanent).
- When summoned, any temporary changes (such as from equipped items) to the creature's gender are made permanent.
Parameter #1: Text Notification
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Text Notification
Known values for
Text Notification
- 0 ⟶ No text notification
- 1 ⟶ Show text notification
key should be set to the filename of the
animation to play when unsummoning the creature, and defaults to "SPGFLSH1"
if left empty.
- Has no effect on Party Members.
- Moves the targeted creature(s) to area
(a non-existant area). This deletes non-global creatures from the game. - Global creatures can still be recovered through scripts actions, such as MoveGlobalObject().
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Timing Mode
s 1/4/7
will permanently set the creature's STATE_NONDETECTION
flag, leaving no removable effect. This flag is not cleared on death.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Gender Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Gender Modifier
field, in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Reverse Gender
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Gender = 'Statistic Modifier' value
(values from GENDER.IDS)
The effect modifies SEX_CHANGED.
Reverse Gender
also switches the second BIT of the lower BYTE of the creature's animation, which (forPC
races), will switch between their male/female animations (0x6000
Other races can be setup this way, but do not occupy the necessary animation slots by default.
For instance,VAMPIRE
(Male should be0x7F02
and female0x7F12
for it to work).
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
IDS File
field, to the value specified by the IDS Entry
Known values for
IDS File
- 0 ⟶ EA
- 1 ⟶ Generic / General
- 2 ⟶ Race
- 3 ⟶ Class
- 4 ⟶ Specific
- 5 ⟶ Gender
- 6 ⟶ Align / Alignmen (iwd1, pst)
- Only reliable timing mode is
Timing Mode 1
(all others are bugged and can convert to this timing mode under various circumstances). Timing Mode
will permanently set the creature(s) IDS value, leaving no removable effect.
Parameter #1: Damage Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Standard
1 Fire
2 Cold
3 Electricity
4 Acid
5 Magic
6 Poison
7 Slashing
8 Piercing
9 Crushing
10 Missile
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
point base THAC0 penalty (4
on EE games, plus a cumulative 4
point base AC penalty. All of that is unverified in PST).
Maintains its own portrait icon Blind
Timing Mode
will permanently set the creature'sSTATE_BLIND
flag, leaving no removable effect.-
Related: the
penalty toAC
are apparently tied to the effect, notSTATE_BLIND
So for instance you will not be able to 100% cure a creature affected by
CLERIC_NATURE_BEAUTY — "sppr704.spl"
(it applies opcode #74 withtiming_mode=1
).- As a workaround, you might want to stick with a limited
and setduration
to a very high random value.
- As a workaround, you might want to stick with a limited
So for instance you will not be able to 100% cure a creature affected by
penalties it applies are not cumulative.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Hit Points per second
1 Hit Points per round
2 Hit Points per Second
3 Seconds per Hit Points
4 Strength Penalty
5 Dexterity Penalty
6 Constitution Penalty
7 Intelligence Penalty
8 Wisdom Penalty
9 Charisma Penalty
10 Slow Effect
11 Mold Touch
13 Contagion
14 Cloud of Pestilence (at least in IWD2)
15 Dolorous Decay (at least in IWD2)
'Damage' can be positive (penalty) or negative (bonus).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it. It also unsets the feeblemind state bit.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
and Priest
spells only. This is cumulative with Miscast Magic.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
value to the contents of the resource
Known values for
- 1 ⟶ AREA
- 4 ⟶ CLASS
- 5 ⟶ RACE
- Effect is always instantaneous/delayed.
can only be set on non-global creatures (not potential party members or familiars), and are lost upon saving & reload.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Instant
1 Arrow
2 Arrow Exploding
3 Arrow Flaming
4 Arrow Heavy*
5 Arrow (Non-Magical)
6 Axe
7 Axe Exploding
8 Axe Flaming
9 Axe Heavy*
10 Axe (Non-Magical)
11 Bolt
12 Bolt Exploding
13 Bolt Flaming
14 Bolt Heavy*
15 Bolt (Non-Magical)
16 Bullet
17 Bullet Exploding
18 Bullet Flaming
19 Bullet Heavy*
20 Bullet (Non-Magical)
26 Dagger*
27 Dagger Exploding
28 Dagger Flaming
29 Dagger Heavy
30 Dagger (Non-Magical)
31 Dart
32 Dart Exploding
33 Dart Flaming
34 Dart Heavy*
35 Dart (Non-Magical)
36 Magic Missile
37 Fireball
39 Lightning Bolt
41 Sleep
55 Spear
56 Spear Exploding
57 Spear Flaming
58 Spear Heaby
59 Spear (Non-Magical)
62 Web Travel
63 Web Ground
64 Gaze
65 Holy Might
66 Flame Strike
67 Magic Missile 1
68 Magic Missile 2
69 Magic Missile 3
70 Magic Missile 4
71 Magic Missile 5
72 Magic Missile 6
73 Magic Missile 7
74 Magic Missile 8
75 Magic Missile 9
76 Magic Missile 10
94 Cloud
95 Skull Trap
96 Colour Spray
97 Ice Storm
98 Fire Wall
99 Glyph
100 Grease
101 Flame Arrow Green
102 Flame Arrow Blue
103 Fireball Green
104 FireBall Blue
105 Potion
106 Potion Exploding
107 Acid Blob
108 Scorcher
109 Travel Door
186 Cloudkill
187 Flame Arrow Ice
188 Cow
189 Hold
190 Scorcher Ice
191 Acid Blob Mustard
192 Acid Blob Grey
193 Acid Blob Ochre
217 Icewind Magic Missile
313 Modenkainen's Force Missiles
345 Sekolah's Fire
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTSLASHING.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTCRUSHING.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTPIERCING.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies RESISTMISSILE.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Timing Mode
s 1/4/7
permanently alters the creature's Open Locks
score, leaving no removable effect.
Type = 0
and Timing Mode = 9
, it modifies LOCKPICKINGMTPBONUS. The final value for this stat is multiplied by its percentage entry in THIEFSCL.2DA, capped to the range [0,255]
, before being included in the creature’s Open Locks
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Timing Mode
s 1/4/7
permanently alters the creature's Find Traps
score, leaving no removable effect.
Type = 0
and Timing Mode = 9
, it modifies TRAPSMTPBONUS. The final value for this stat is multiplied by its percentage entry in THIEFSCL.2DA, capped to the range [0,255]
, before being included in the creature’s Find Traps
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Timing Mode
s 1/4/7
permanently alters the creature's Pick Pockets
score, leaving no removable effect.
Type = 0
and Timing Mode = 9
, it modifies PICKPOCKETMTPBONUS. The final value for this stat is multiplied by its percentage entry in THIEFSCL.2DA, capped to the range [0,255]
, before being included in the creature’s Pick Pockets
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Fatigue = Fatigue + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Fatigue = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Fatigue = (Fatigue * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies FATIGUE.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Drunkenness = Drunkenness + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Drunkenness = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Drunkenness = (Drunkenness * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies INTOXICATION.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Skill = Skill + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Skill = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Skill = (Skill * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies TRACKING.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Level = Level + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Level = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Level = (Level * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Exceptional Strength = Exceptional Strength + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Exceptional Strength = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Exceptional Strength = (Exceptional Strength * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Statistic Modifier
can be positive or negative.
The effect modifies STREXTRA.
Parameter #1: Regeneration Amount
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Restore 'Regeneration Amount' per second
1 Restore 'Regeneration Amount' as a percentage of total HP
2 Restore x HP every second
3 Restore 1HP every x seconds
4 Restore 'Regeneration Amount' per round
Parameter #1: Duration Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Duration Modifier
field, affecting the spell type specified by the Type
field. Timing mode 0
is the only timing mode reliably affected. Timings handled through PRO files are ignored.
For instance:
Duration Modifier = 0
⟶ Spells have no durationDuration Modifier = 100
⟶ Spells have normal durationDuration Modifier = 200
⟶ Spells have double duration
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Mage
- 1 ⟶ Priest
- 2 ⟶ Bard Song (EE only)
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
IDS File
and IDS Entry
Known values for
IDS File
- 2 ⟶ EA.IDS
- 4 ⟶ RACE.IDS
- 9 ⟶ KIT.IDS (EE only; broken at least in 2.5)
To be protected from any creature, leave
IDS Entry
at 0
(zero), and IDS File
at 2
. Protection will grant the bearer immunity from being attacked, cast a spell at, or otherwise targeted by creatures with this type.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Opcode
Parameter #1: Spell Level
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
attribute is equal to Spell Level
(range: 0 – 9
- Each application of this opcode only protects against its specified
Spell Level
, not "up to" it. - Each effect in a spell/item is checked separately by this opcode.
CAN block effects of Secondary Type
.- V1 effects inherit their Secondary Type from the Header(SPL) / Extended Header(ITM), V2 effects specify it manually.
CAN block EFF files with
resist_dispel = BIT2
.- Keep in mind that this BIT is automatically set on any effect delivered by an Area-Effect (Explosion) projectile, so this opcode can deflect effects through AoE projectiles.
CANNOT block non-hostile effects from self.
- V1 effects inherit their non-hostile behavior from the Header(SPL) / Extended Header(ITM), V2 effects specify it manually.
to avoid interacting with this opcode.
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
String Reference
field. When used with a duration timing, after the duration, the name will be set to a blank entry.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
XP = XP + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
XP = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
XP = (XP * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
The effect modifies XP.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Gold = Gold + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Gold = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Gold = (Gold * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
The effect modifies party gold or GOLD for everyone else.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Morale Break = Morale Break + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Morale Break = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Morale Break = (Morale Break * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
The effect modifies MORALEBREAK.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
key, based on the Type
value. This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Small portrait
- 1 ⟶ Large portrait
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
This does not affect the main reputation of the Party, unless
Type 3-5
are used. Though it can affect ranger/paladinhood of any target.
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Reputation = Reputation + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Reputation = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
Reputation = (Reputation * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 3 ⟶ Increment Party Reputation by
10 * 'Statistic Modifier'
, cannot lower reputation below100
, will raise reputation to100
if already less (only in EEs) - 4 ⟶ Party Reputation = 'Statistic Modifier' value, cannot lower reputation below
, will raise reputation to100
if already less (only in EEs) - 5 ⟶ Party Reputation = (Party Reputation * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100, cannot lower reputation below 100, will raise reputation to 100 if already less (only in EEs)
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 EA.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Amount
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
key. The number of items created is controlled by the Amount
field. The item is created in the Magical Weapon Slot
Magical Weapon Slot
does not allow Item
field should not be empty, or the game will crash (not consistently, but it happens).
and opcode #58).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
key from the targeted creature(s). Items in container items (e.g. Bags of Holding) will not be removed. If a creature has multiple instances of the item, the one in the lowest slot number (see SLOTS.IDS) is removed. "EFF_M02"
is hard-coded to play when an item is removed. This effect should be used to remove equipped items (use opcode #123 for inventory items).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Alignment Mask
Alignment Mask
Known values for
Alignment Mask
- 0 ⟶ Evil (glow Red)
- 1 ⟶ Neutral (glow Blue)
- 2 ⟶ Good (glow Green)
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
- The only difference between this opcode and opcode #47 is their index – you can block one with opcode #101 without blocking the other. That's it.
- Both remove the same effects/
s, both are blocked by opcode #69. - They might have been intended for identical function, different uses, similar to opcodes #5/#241 (Charm), but it never happened.
- Opcode #116 is used extensively because the original BG1 used it, and didn't use opcode #47 at all.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Know values for 'Type' are:
0 Normal
1 Reflected Image
Parameter #1: Enchantment
Parameter #2: Type
field. The Enchantment
field is used if Type
is set to 0
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Enchanted
- 1 ⟶ Magical
- 2 ⟶ Non-Magical
- 3 ⟶ Silver
- 4 ⟶ Non-Silver
- 5 ⟶ Non-Silver / Non-Magical
- 6 ⟶ Two-Handed
- 7 ⟶ One-Handed
- 8 ⟶ Cursed
- 9 ⟶ Non-Cursed
- 10 ⟶ Cold Iron
- 11 ⟶ Non Cold Iron
- Protected weapons will still trigger HitBy(), but will not interact with Mirror Image or Stone skins.
- Blocks weapon damage, on-hit effects of the weapon, opcode #248 and opcode #249, regardless of the effects target.
projectiles (f.i. Arrow of Detonation) only check for Weapon Immunity on the attacked target, and use that result for all caught within their area of effect.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Charges
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
key. The number of items created is controlled by the Charges
field. The number of secondary charge is determined by Parameter3
. The number of tertiary charges is determined by Parameter4
(external EFFs). The item is created in the Inventory.
- (EE only)
Resource 2
andResource 3
(external EFFs): item to be created is randomly chosen from resource fields1–3
that are not empty. - Applies a delayed opcode #123 effect to remove the item (based on specified
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
key from the targeted creature(s). This effect should be used to remove inventory items (use opcode #112 for equipped items).In particular:
- Removes all item(s) in the first slot containing the specified
key from the targeted creature(s). - Items in container items (e.g. Bags of Holding) will not be removed.
- Inventory slots are checked in numerical order from SLOTS.IDS.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Source to Target
2 Return to Saved Location
3 Exchanged Source and Target
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
The engine allows values for
Statistic Modifier
from 0
(immobile) to 255
(instantaneous), though behaviour is only consistent in the range 0 – 30
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Movement = Movement + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Movement = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Non-stacking Percentage Modifier:
Movement = (Movement * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 5 ⟶ Multiplicative Stacking Percentage Modifier:
Movement = (Movement * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
(EE only)
50% * 50% = 25%
150% * 150% = 225%
Parameter #1: Number
Parameter #2: Type
Special: Mode
Each CRE file has a
Creature Power Level
number. The amount of monsters summoned by this effect depends on this value, the special
parameter and if it's used in SPL / ITM or from an external EFF.
When used in SPL/ITM files, known value for
- 0 ⟶ Summon until
Creature Power Level
- 1 ⟶ Summon amount equal to
- 2 ⟶ Summon until
Creature Power Level
equals/exceeds Caster's Level
When used in external EFF files, known value for
- 0 ⟶ Summon until
Creature Power Level
- 1 ⟶ Summon amount equal to
'Number' + Dice rolls
- 2 ⟶ Summon until
Creature Power Level
equals/exceedsCaster Level
field sets which 2DA file to pick the creatures to summon from. The 2da files are monsumX
and anisumX
, where X = 'Type' + 1
. 0–4
are allied , 5–9
are hostile. The specific 2da files used are:
- 0 ⟶ MONSUM01: Monster Summon 1
- 1 ⟶ MONSUM02: Monster Summon 2
- 2 ⟶ MONSUM03: Monster Summon 3
- 3 ⟶ ANISUM01: Animal Summon 1
- 4 ⟶ ANISUM02: Animal Summon 2
- 5 ⟶ MONSUM01: Monster Summon 1 Hostile
- 6 ⟶ MONSUM02: Monster Summon 2 Hostile
- 7 ⟶ MONSUM03: Monster Summon 3 Hostile
- 8 ⟶ ANISUM01: Animal Summon 1 Hostile
- 9 ⟶ ANISUM02: Animal Summon 2 Hostile
A custom .2da file can be entered in the resource field (untested in bg1).
If used from an external effect (.eff), the
field controls the bam file played when summoning.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Timing Mode 1
without leaving behind a removable effect.
- Creature is unseletectable, Inventory is disabled.
- The creature's AI scripts are disabled.
- The creature will randomly execute actions AttackReevaluate(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),15), RandomWalk(), or NoAction().
- Disables Saving while affecting a Party Member (displayed message: "You do not control all your Party Members")
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
In particular:
- Grants a bonus/penalty to all Saving Throws equal to
Statistic Modifier
. - Grants a bonus/penalty to Current and Maximum Hit Points equal to
'Statistic Modifier'd8
. - Grants a bonus/penalty to base THAC0 equal to
Statistic Modifier
. - Grants a bonus/penalty to base weapon damage equal to
Statistic Modifier
. - Saving throws, THAC0, and Damage modifiers read only the first byte of
Statistic Modifier
for their value, the last 3 bytes are ignored. - HP modifier uses the whole 4 bytes of
Statistic Modifier
. - HP modifier is always positive (negative values become zero), but because Max HP itself is not bounded, it can overflow into negative amounts (Max HP is 32767).
- When used in external EFFs,
controls the exact amount of HP gained.
- While this opcode is "Non-Cumulative" (it sets values rather than increment), what it really does is stack in reverse standard order.
- The base STATE set on the CRE file will override any effect applied to them (defaulting to a value of zero).
- The oldest equipped effect will override newer equipped effects, and any equipped effect will override a non-equipped effect.
- The oldest non-equipped effect will override newer non-equipped effects.
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
parameter.In particular:
- Modifies THAC0
- Morale is a 5 point bonus.
- While this opcode is "Non-Cumulative" (it sets values rather than increment), what it really does is stack in reverse standard order.
- The base STATE set on the CRE file will override any effect applied to them (defaulting to a value of zero).
- The oldest equipped effect will override newer equipped effects, and any equipped effect will override a non-equipped effect.
- The oldest non-equipped effect will override newer non-equipped effects.
only reads the first byte for its value, the last 3 bytes are ignored.
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This opcode has the same effects as opcode #22, but maintains its own separate STATE.
This opcode modifies LUCK.
- While this opcode is "Non-Cumulative" (it sets values rather than increment), what it really does is stack in reverse standard order.
- The base STATE set on the CRE file will override any effect applied to them (defaulting to a value of zero).
- The oldest equipped effect will override newer equipped effects, and any equipped effect will override a non-equipped effect.
- The oldest non-equipped effect will override newer non-equipped effects.
only reads the first byte for its value, the last 3 bytes are ignored.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Statistic Modifier
field. A negative value of Statistic Modifier
sets the Strength, Constitution and Dexterity of the targeted creature(s) to 25.
- While this opcode is "Non-Cumulative" (it sets values rather than increment), what it really does is stack in reverse standard order.
- The base STATE set on the CRE file will override any effect applied to them (defaulting to a value of zero).
- The oldest equipped effect will override newer equipped effects, and any equipped effect will override a non-equipped effect.
- The oldest non-equipped effect will override newer non-equipped effects.
Statistic Modifier
only reads the first byte for its value, the last 3 bytes are ignored.
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This opcode has the same effects as opcode #22, but maintains its own separate STATE.
This opcode modifies LUCK.
- While this opcode is "Non-Cumulative" (it sets values rather than increment), what it really does is stack in reverse standard order.
- The base STATE set on the CRE file will override any effect applied to them (defaulting to a value of zero).
- The oldest equipped effect will override newer equipped effects, and any equipped effect will override a non-equipped effect.
- The oldest non-equipped effect will override newer non-equipped effects.
Statistic Modifier
only reads the first byte for its value, the last 3 bytes are ignored.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
While the end result is otherwise the same as “Stoned Death” applied by opcode #13, this opcode does not actually utilize opcode #13 (internally or otherwise), unlike most (all?) other forms of death.
- Creature is NOT helpless – they still require an attack roll to be hit.
- Creature is unselectable, Inventory is disabled.
- Disables the creature's
script. - Creature may only take actions listed in both ACTSLEEP.IDS and INSTANT.IDS.
- Any hostile action against the creature(s) applies an Exploding Stoned Death to them.
- Kicked from party, retains Inventory, Overlay's Color Index 72 on the entire creature.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Resistances/statistics gained, spell-casting disabled, colouring
1 No resistances/statistics gained, spell-casting enabled, colouring
2 No resistances/statistics gained, spell-casting enabled, no colouring
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
The effect has no meaning on visible targets.
This effect has no duration.
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This opcode has the same effects as opcode #22, but maintains its own separate STATE.
This opcode modifies LUCK.
This opcode works as the reverse of Chant (positive values decrease Luck, negative values increase Luck).
- While this opcode is "Non-Cumulative" (it sets values rather than increment), what it really does is stack in reverse standard order.
- The base STATE set on the CRE file will override any effect applied to them (defaulting to a value of zero).
- The oldest equipped effect will override newer equipped effects, and any equipped effect will override a non-equipped effect.
- The oldest non-equipped effect will override newer non-equipped effects.
Statistic Modifier
only reads the first byte for its value, the last 3 bytes are ignored.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Animation Sequence
Known values for 'Type' are:
1 Lay down (short)
2 Move hands (short)
3 Move hands (long)
4 Move shoulder (short)
5 Move shoulder (long)
6 Lay down (long)
7 Breath rapidly (short)
8 Breath rapidly (long)
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
String Reference
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 .. 8 = Crash
9 Casting Glow Aqua (Necromancy)
10 Casting Glow Blue (Alteration)
11 Casting Glow Gold (Enchantment)
12 Casting Glow Green (Abjuration)
13 Casting Glow Magenta (Illusion)
14 Casting Glow Purple (Conjuration)
15 Casting Glow Red (Invocation)
16 Casting Glow White (Divination)
17+ Crashes
Parameter #1: Target
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Target' are:
0 Current Location
Non-0 Target Location
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 aqua SHAIR
1 aqua SHEARTH
2 aqua SHWATER
3 *crash*
4 blue SHAIR
5 blue SHEARTH
6 blue SHWATER
7 *crash*
8 gold SHAIR
9 gold SHEARTH
10 gold SHWATER
11 *crash*
12 green SHAIR
13 green SHEARTH
14 green SHWATER
15 *crash*
16 magenta SHAIR
17 magenta SHEARTH
18 magenta SHWATER
19 *crash*
20 purple SHAIR
21 purple SHEARTH
22 purple SHWATER
23 *crash*
24 red SHAIR
25 red SHEARTH
26 red SHWATER
27 *crash*
28 white SHAIR
29 white SHEARTH
30 white SHWATER
31 *crash*
33 grey MUSHROOM
34 green MUSHROOM
35 red PILLAR
36 white PILLAR
37 white SWIRL
38 Shadow Door (SPDIMDR) (BGs)
39 Finger of Death (SPFDEATH) (BG2)
40+ *crash* (BG2)
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Icon
Known values for 'Icon' are:
0 Charm
1 Dire Charm
2 Rigid Thinking
3 Confused
4 Beserk
5 Intoxicated
6 Poisoned
7 Diseased
8 Blind
9 Protection from Evil
10 Protection from Petrification
11 Protection from Normal Missiles
12 Armor
13 Held
14 Asleep
15 Shield
16 Protection from Fire
17 Bless
18 Chant
19 Free Action
20 Barkskin
21 Strength
22 Heroism
23 Spell Invulnerability
24 Protection from Acid
25 Protection from Cold
26 Resist Fire/Cold
27 Protection from Electricity
28 Protection from Magic
29 Protection from Undead
30 Protection from Poison
31 Non-detectable
32 Good luck
33 Bad luck
34 Silenced
35 Cursed
36 Panic
37 -
38 Level Up(?)
39 Hasted
40 Resist Fear
41 Slowed
42 Bard Song
43 Nauseous
44 Fatigued
45 Held
46 Spirit Armor
47 Hopelessness
48 Courage
49 Friends
50 Hope
51 Greater Malison
52 Spirit Armor
53 Dominated
54 Feebleminded
55 Tenser's Transformation
56 Mind Blank
57 Aid
58 Master Thievery
59 Draw Upon Holy Might
60 Miscast Magic
61 Strength of One
62 Prayer
63 Defensive Harmony
64 Recitation
65 Champion's Strength
66 Chaotic Commands
67 Righteous Wrath of the Faithful
68 Phased
69 Pain
70 Impervious Sanctity of Mind
71 Petrified
72 Iron Body
73 Animal Rage
74 Exaltation
75 Cat's Grace
76 Blood Rage
77 Ballad of Three Heroes
78 Tale of Curran Strongheart
79 Tymora's Melody
80 Song of Kaudies
81 Siren's Yearning
82 War Chant of Sith
83 Deaf
84 Armor of Faith
Parameter #1: Slot
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
key in the slot specified by the Slot
field, on the targeted creature(s).
Known values for
(from SLOTS.IDS) are:
- 0 ⟶ AMULET
- 1 ⟶ ARMOR
- 2 ⟶ BELT
- 3 ⟶ BOOTS
- 4 ⟶ CLOAK
- 6 ⟶ HELMET
- 9 ⟶ SHIELD
- 10 ⟶ FIST
- 11 ⟶ AMMO
- 15 ⟶ MISC
- 35 ⟶ WEAPON
- 11 ⟶ AMMO0
- 12 ⟶ AMMO1
- 13 ⟶ AMMO2
- 14 ⟶ AMMO3
- 15 ⟶ MISC0
- 16 ⟶ MISC1
- 17 ⟶ MISC2
- 18 ⟶ MISC3
- 19 ⟶ MISC4
- 20 ⟶ MISC5
- 21 ⟶ MISC6
- 22 ⟶ MISC7
- 23 ⟶ MISC8
- 24 ⟶ MISC9
- 25 ⟶ MISC10
- 26 ⟶ MISC11
- 27 ⟶ MISC12
- 28 ⟶ MISC13
- 29 ⟶ MISC14
- 30 ⟶ MISC15
- 31 ⟶ MISC16
- 32 ⟶ MISC17
- 33 ⟶ MISC18
- 34 ⟶ MISC19 – Magical Weapon slot
- 35 ⟶ WEAPON0
- 36 ⟶ WEAPON1
- 37 ⟶ WEAPON2
- 38 ⟶ WEAPON3
Magical Weapon Slot
does not allow Item
Abilities.Moreover, unlike opcode #111, this opcode will not "equip" the item that's created in this particular slot.
timing mode
, it applies a delayed opcode #123 effect based on the duration, but with an empty resource
field, resulting in nothing being removed.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Button
Known values for 'Button' are:
0 Stealth Button
1 Thieving Skill Button
2 Spell Select Button
3 First Quick Spell Button
4 Second Quick Spell Button
5 Third Quick Spell Button
6 N/A
7 Talk Button
8 Use Item Button
9 First Quick Item Button
11 Second Quick Item Button
12 Third Quick Item Button
13 Innate Ability Button
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Spell Type
Special: Show message?
Spell Type
Known values for
Spell Type
- 0 ⟶ Disables
spells withlocation=spell
(also applied by polymorph) - 1 ⟶ Disables
spells withlocation=spell
(also applied by polymorph) - 2 ⟶ Disables all innate spells (really any
), regardless oflocation
- 3 ⟶ Disables only "magical" spells (those lacking
Ignore dead/wild magic
), regardless oftype
Known values for
Show message?
- 0 ⟶ Yes
- 1 ⟶ No
Parameter #1: Casting Level
Parameter #2: Type
key at the level specified by the Casting Level
field, in the style specified by the Type
field. A Casting Level
of 0
casts at the level of the casting creature.
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Normal Casting at specified level (
for caster level), non-interruptible - 1 ⟶ Cast Instantly at caster level
- 2 ⟶ Cast Instantly at specified level (EE-only)
- When this opcode gets reflected using
, the spell specified by theresource
key is cast at the target's Casting Level, not the caster's. - When this opcode gets reflected (opcode #197, opcode #198, opcode #199, opcode #202, opcode #203 and opcode #207) using
, the spell specified by theresource
key is cast at the specifiedCasting Level
, and it will also affect the original target (as if it wasn't reflected).
, effects in theresource
will also bypass Magic Resistance, of every target, as if the caster targeted themselves, regardless of who they target with the spell or this effect.- Setting the
Ignore Center
bit in the subspell's projectile will force its effects to check Magic Resistance on every target, even if the caster did target themselves. Though as its primary function is to cause the projectile to ignore the caster (not "center"), it still won't affect them if it'sarea-effect
- Setting the
parameter is ignored and treated as 0
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Casting Level
Parameter #2: Type
key, at the level specified by the Casting Level
field, in the style specified by the Type
field. A Casting Level
of 0
casts at the level of the casting creature.
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Normal Casting
- 1 ⟶ Cast Instantly (ignore
Casting Level
. In particular:
- The projectile of the subspell will originate from the target(s) of opcode #148.
- If the SPL/ITM with opcode #148 targets a location, and doesn't have an
projectile, there will be no target to cast on. - If the SPL/ITM with opcode #148 has an
projectile, the spell in opcode #148 would be cast once for every valid target. - If this opcode uses the
Cast Instantly
option, then the target, not the caster, would cast the spell in opcode #148.
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
key, in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Remove targeted creature via opcode #168
- 1 ⟶ Kill targeted creature via opcode #13
(Chunking death) - 2 ⟶ Kill targeted creature via opcode #13
(Normal death) - 3 ⟶ No effect on targeted creature – New creature (specified by the
key) is spawned at target's location
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Known movies are:
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect sets stat #63 (SANCTUARY) to 1.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect sets stat #62 (ENTANGLE) to 1.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect sets stat #64 (MINORGLOBE) to 1.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect sets stat #65 (SHIELDGLOBE) to 1.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect sets stats #58 (HELD) and #67 (WEB) to 1. It also sets the STATE_HELPLESS flag.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect sets stat #66 (GREASE) to 1.
Parameter #1: Amount
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
value. Sets STATE_MIRRORIMAGE to true.
- STATE_MIRRORIMAGE will maintain the effects of this opcode, once this opcode expires, but only until you save & reload.
- If you set STATE_MIRRORIMAGE on a CRE file, it won't do anything by itself.
- If you later apply opcode #119/opcode #159 to the creature, once it expires, any remaining images will last until struck (absorbing attacks in the process), or until you save & reload.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
This effect ignores durations attributed to it.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Also check out the EE description here.
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
In particular:
- Their inventory is still access-able.
- They are still select-able, and can be issued orders (for instance, activating modal abilities), though not all actions can be taken.
- It does not interrupt/end modal abilities the creature is currently using.
- They are not "helpless", an attack roll is still required to hit them.
- Their scripts stop running.
This effect sets CasterHold to
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Resistance = Resistance + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Resistance = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Resistance = (Resistance * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
THAC0 = THAC0 + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
THAC0 = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Percentage Modifier:
THAC0 = (THAC0 * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
(a non-existent area). Also known as Script: Destroy Self.
This deletes non-global creatures from the game (most common usage).
For Global Creatures:
- This effect removes the creature from the player's party (if they were in it).
- The effect will keep the creature out of the party and any other Area for its duration, but does not re-instate the creature once it expires.
- They can still be recovered through script actions once the effect expires.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Icon
Known values for 'Icon' are:
0 Charm
1 Dire Charm
2 Rigid Thinking
3 Confused
4 Beserk
5 Intoxicated
6 Poisoned
7 Diseased
8 Blind
9 Protection from Evil
10 Protection from Petrification
11 Protection from Normal Missiles
12 Armor
13 Held
14 Asleep
15 Shield
16 Protection from Fire
17 Bless
18 Chant
19 Free Action
20 Barkskin
21 Strength
22 Heroism
23 Spell Invulnerability
24 Protection from Acid
25 Protection from Cold
26 Resist Fire/Cold
27 Protection from Electricity
28 Protection from Magic
29 Protection from Undead
30 Protection from Poison
31 Non-detectable
32 Good luck
33 Bad luck
34 Silenced
35 Cursed
36 Panic
37 -
38 Level Up(?)
39 Hasted
40 Resist Fear
41 Slowed
42 Bard Song
43 Nauseous
44 Fatigued
45 Held
46 Spirit Armor
47 Hopelessness
48 Courage
49 Friends
50 Hope
51 Greater Malison
52 Spirit Armor
53 Dominated
54 Feebleminded
55 Tenser's Transformation
56 Mind Blank
57 Aid
58 Master Thievery
59 Draw Upon Holy Might
60 Miscast Magic
61 Strength of One
62 Prayer
63 Defensive Harmony
64 Recitation
65 Champion's Strength
66 Chaotic Commands
67 Righteous Wrath of the Faithful
68 Phased
69 Pain
70 Impervious Sanctity of Mind
71 Petrified
72 Iron Body
73 Animal Rage
74 Exaltation
75 Cat's Grace
76 Blood Rage
77 Ballad of Three Heroes
78 Tale of Curran Strongheart
79 Tymora's Melody
80 Song of Kaudies
81 Siren's Yearning
82 War Chant of Sith
83 Deaf
84 Armor of Faith
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Animation
It just plays a visual effect, like a far more limited version of opcode #215, and is always instantaneous.
Known values for
0 ⟶ Blood (behind)
- (EEs) Doesn't display any animation.
- 1 ⟶
Blood (small) - 2 ⟶
Blood (medium) - 3 ⟶
Blood (large) - 4 ⟶
Fire 1 - 5 ⟶
Fire 2 - 6 ⟶
Fire 2 - 7 ⟶
Electricity 1 - 8 ⟶
Electricity 2 - 9 ⟶
Electricity 3
, this opcode actually pulls the animation from DMGTYPES.2DA, each playing bothANIMATION1
(those listed above) andANIMATION2
, forFIRE
, respectively. Does not play theSOUND
associated with them though.ANIMATION1
is the initial animation,ANIMATION2
is the lingering animation.
- BGEE/BG2EE use the default
(hardcoded) entries for all damage types, but they can be overridden by setting entries in DMGTYPES.2DA, as IWDEE does. - The animations for
are not pulled from DMGTYPES.2DA, they're most likely fully hardcoded.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
specified by the resource
key to the targeted creature(s).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Statistic Modifier
The effect modifies RESISTPOISON.
Also known as "Stat: Set Poison Resistance".
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 EA.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the
Statistic Modifier
field in the style specified by the Type
The engine allows values for
Statistic Modifier
from 0
(immobile) to 255
(instantaneous), though behaviour is only consistent in the range 0 – 30
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Cumulative Modifier:
Movement = Movement + 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 1 ⟶ Flat Value Modifier:
Movement = 'Statistic Modifier' value
- 2 ⟶ Non-stacking Percentage Modifier:
Movement = (Movement * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
- 5 ⟶ Multiplicative Stacking Percentage Modifier:
Movement = (Movement * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
(EE only)
Multiplicative Stacking Percentage Modifier
50% * 50% = 25%
150% * 150% = 225%
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
file specified by the resource
key to the targeted creature(s), if the targeted creature(s) match the value specified by the IDS Entry
field, in the specified IDS File
NB. When using an eff to alter thac0/dmg bonus, set
param1 = 0
, and param2 = 2
Known values for
IDS File
- 2 ⟶
- 3 ⟶
- 4 ⟶
- 5 ⟶
- 6 ⟶
- 7 ⟶
- 8 ⟶
- 9 ⟶
(EE only)
PST: This effect doesn’t exist and always crashes the game.
IWD2: there was a note to not use this effect in older IESDP.
files applied by this opcode can be blocked by opcode #101.
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
The actual modifier value is placed in the Parameter 3 field in an external effect.
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 Object.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids
Parameter #1: Reference Value
Parameter #2: Reference IDS
Known values for 'IDS File' are:
2 Object.ids
3 General.ids
4 Race.ids
5 Class.ids
6 Specific.ids
7 Gender.ids
8 Align.ids
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Undefined
key. The strref specified by the String Reference
field is displayed when an attempt to use the item is made.
Parameter #1: String Reference
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 Generic
1 Amulet
2 Armor
3 Belt
4 Boots
5 Bow Ammo
6 Gloves
7 Helmet
8 Key
9 Potion
10 Ring
11 Scroll
12 Shield
13 Spell
14 Sling Ammo
15 Bows
16 Dagger
17 Mace
18 Sling
19 Small Sword
20 Large Sword
21 Warhammer
22 Morningstar
23 Flail
24 Thrown
25 Axe
26 Staff
27 Crossbow
28 Fist
29 Spear
30 Halberd
31 Crossbow Ammo
32 Cloak
33 Gold
34 Gem
35 Wand
Parameter #1: Unknown
Parameter #2: Unknown
Parameter #1: Undetermined
Parameter #2: Type
file specified by the resource
key to the targeted creature(s) when an ITM
of the item type
specified by the Type
field is equipped.
files applied by this opcode bypass / ignore opcode #101.
Ammo (i.e.,
) does not work well with this opcode-
The Ammo Slots (
) are always "Equipped", even when they are not in use-
In other words: they trigger opcode #183 just by being in a quiver slot, regardless of whether the correct launcher is equipped or even active
- Having said that, this opcode currently allows detecting a launcher using its automated ammo (such as Shortbow of Gesen)
In other words: they trigger opcode #183 just by being in a quiver slot, regardless of whether the correct launcher is equipped or even active
The Ammo Slots (
- The offhand (
) has the same issue — even when disabled, it's detected by this opcode as equipped
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Jump
Known values for
- 0 ⟶ Do Jump from impassable areas
- 1+ ⟶ Don't Jump from impassable areas
IWD2: Don’t use.
Parameter #1: IDS Entry
Parameter #2: IDS File
IDS Entry
field, in the specified IDS File
. The affected creature becomes immobile and its AI scripts stop running.
This effect is not removed by opcode #162.
Known values for
IDS File
- 2 ⟶ EA.IDS
- 4 ⟶ RACE.IDS
- 9 ⟶ KIT.IDS (EE only)
This effect sets HELD to
. It also sets the STATE_HELPLESS flag.
in the combat log.
It even overrides the entries in EFFTEXT.2DA.
Parameter #1: Delay
Parameter #2: Orientation
key. The creature appears in the specified area after a delay (specified by the Delay
field), with the orientation specified by the Orientation
field.In particular:
- Global Creatures ignore the delay.
- If the creature is already in the specified area, it will ignore the delay.
- Non-global creatures currently in a different area than specified will use the delay.
- Delay is measured in 1⁄30 seconds, (½ tick),
600 = 20 seconds
. -
On non-EE games, the creature appears at the point specified by the Target Point fields (external EFF files only).
- On EE games, target(s) appear at Caster's Coordinates in new area (it does not seem to be possible to override through EFFs).
- Creature is moved to the new area (instantly) and flagged
Moving Between Areas
until their delay expires (if it's used). It won't be active until the delay expires (it's hidden, cannot be affected by Area-effect, doesn't occupy space). It can still be targeted by the variousEveryone
targeting modes in the new area while it's still inactive, but similar to maze/imprisonment, effects won't trigger (including poison and similar) on them until they become active.
There is some confusion whether the Target (bg1, iwds) or the Caster point field is used.
Parameter #1: Value
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Stat Value
(EE games only) whenever they begin to cast a spell before their aura would normally clear (i.e. more than once/round). Does NOT affect item usage, only spellcasting.Set the
Stat Value
field to any non-zero value if you want no time needed between spells.
The effect modifies AURACLEANSING to
Stat Value
Stat Value
parameter can take any value. If you set it to 0
, you will disable the effect (for its duration).
Parameter #1: Speed Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Casting Time
of spells by the value specified by the Speed Modifier
field. This effect is cummulative.
This effect sets MENTALSPEED to
Speed Modifier
. Known value for Type
0 ⟶ Increment by
Speed Modifier
- Positive values decrease the casting time, negative values increase the casting time.
1 ⟶ Set casting time of every spell to
Speed Modifier
- Negative values set casting time to
- Negative values set casting time to
2 ⟶ Set casting time of spells with casting time higher than
Speed Modifier
toSpeed Modifier
- Other spells are unaffected.
was tested only for BGEE and might not work on non-EE.
Parameter #1: Speed Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
attack speed
by the value specified by the Speed Modifier
field. This effect is not cumulative. Attack speed
ranges from 0
(good) to 10
(bad). This effect acts as a bonus, so a high Speed Modifier
is good.
This effect sets
to Speed Modifier
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Mage
1 Cleric
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Stat Value
The effect modifies SEEINVISIBLE to
Stat Value
Stat Value
parameter can take any value. If you set it to 0
, you will disable the effect (for its duration).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Undead
2 Not Undead
3 Fire Using/Dwelling
4 Not Fire Using/Dwelling
5 Humanoid
6 Not Humanoid
7 Animal
8 Not Animal
9 Elemental
10 Not Elemental
11 Fungus
12 Not Fungus
13 Huge Creature
14 Not Huge Creature
15 Elf
16 Not Elf
17 Umber Hulk
18 Not Umber Hulk
19 Half-Elf
20 Not Half-Elf
21 Humanoid or Animal
22 Not Humanoid or Animal
23 Blind
24 Not Blind
25 Cold Using/Dwelling
26 Not Cold Using/Dwelling
27 Golem
28 Not Golem
29 Minotaur
30 Not Minotaur
31 Undead or Fungus
32 Not Undead or Fungus
33 Good
34 Not Good
35 Neutral
36 Not Neutral
37 Evil
38 Not Evil
39 Paladin
40 Not Paladin
41 Same Moral Alignment as Source
42 Not Same Moral Alignment as Source
43 Source
44 Not Source
45 Water Using/Dwelling
46 Not Water Using/Dwelling
47 Breathing
48 Not Breathing
49 Allies
50 Not Allies
51 Enemies
52 Not Enemies
53 Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
54 Not Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
55 Unnatural
56 Not Unnatural
57 Male
58 Not Male
59 Lawful
60 Not Lawful
61 Chaotic
62 Not Chaotic
63 Evasion Check (Thief)
64 Orc
65 Not Orc
66 Deaf
67 Not Deaf
68 Summoned Creature
69 Not Summoned Creature
70 Mind Flayer
71 Not Mind Flayer
72 Silenced
73 Not Silenced
74 Intelligence < 'Value'
75 Intelligence > 'Value'
76 Intelligence <= 'Value'
77 Intelligence >= 'Value'
78 Bard Skald
79 Not Bard Skald
80 Near Enemies
81 Not Near Enemies
82 Drow
83 Not Drow
84 Gray Dwarf
85 Not Gray Dwarf
86 Daytime
87 Not Daytime
88 Outdoor
89 Not Outdoor
90 Keg
91 Not Keg
92 Outsider
93 Not Outsider
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Minimum Value
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Minimum Value
This effect sets MINHITPOINTS to
Minimum Value
Minimum Value
will set an only allowed hit point value (HP can't be higher or lower), each representing'Minimum Value' value - 65536
, so0
.- Values
do this as well, but all result in negative HP amounts, so not usable, as they will result in the same bugged non-death as opcode #17 reducing HP to 0. - All values higher than
just repeat loop over from-32768
. - Any positive value will also grant the creature immunity to directly applied opcode #13 effects. Those applied indirectly will still kill the creature, notably by opcodes #55, #134, #151, #209, and #238.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
of the effect is:
- 1 to 29 HP ⟶ stunned for 4d4 rounds
- 30 to 59 HP ⟶ stunned for 2d4 rounds
- 60 to 89 HP ⟶ stunned for 1d4 rounds
string display.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Amount
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: RGB Colour
Parameter #2: Location
Set the 'RGB Colour' parameter to the colour value you want to use with the second byte being the Red portion (0-255), the third byte the Green portion (0-255), and the fourth byte being the Blue portion (0-255).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 None
1 Abjuration
2 Alteration
3 Invocation
4 Necromancy
5 Conjuration
6 Enchantment
7 Illusion
8 Divination
9 Armor
10 Spirit Armor
11 Ghost Armor
12 Strength
13 Confusion
14 Nothing
15 Death Spell
16 Disintegrate
17 Power Word Silence
18 Power Word Stun
19 Finger of Death
20 Mordenkainen's Sword
21 Monster Summoning I
22 Monster Summoning II
23 Monster Summoning III
24 Monster Summoning IV
25 Monster Summoning V
26 Monster Summoning VI
27 Monster Summoning VII
28 Nothing
29 Nothing
30 Nothing
31 Bless
32 Curse
33 Prayer
34 Recitation
35 Cure Light Wounds
36 Cure Moderate Wounds
37 Cure Serious Wounds
38 Cure Critical wounds
39 Heal
40 Animal Summoning I
41 Animal Summoning II
42 Animal Summoning III
43 Slow Poison
44 Neutralize Poison
45 Call Lightning
46 Static Charge
47 Remove Paralysis
48 Free Action
49 Miscast Magic
50 Strength of One
51 Champion's Strength
52 Flame Strike
53 Raise Dead
54 Resurrection
55 Chaotic Commands
56 Righteous Wrath of the Faithful
57 Sunray
58 Spike Stones
59 Dimension Door Origin
60 Dimension Door Destination
61 Cone of Cold
62 Sol's Searing Orb
63 Fire
64 Cold
65 Electricity
66 Acid
67 Paralysis
68 Malavon's Spike Swath
69 Righteous Wrath of the Faithful Ground
70 Belhifet's Death Animation
71 Portal
72 Sunscorch
73 Blade Barrier (front)
74 Blade Barrier (back)
75 Circle of Bones (front)
76 Circle of Bones (back)
77 Cause Light Wounds
78 Cause Moderate Wounds
79 Cause Serious Wounds
80 Cause Critical Wounds
81 Cause Disease
82 Poison
83 Slay Living
84 Harm
85 Destruction
86 Exaltation
87 Cloudburst
88 Mold Touch
89 Lower Resistance
90 Nothing
91 Soul Eater
92 Smashing Wave
93 Suffocate
94 Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
95 Nothing
96 Vitriolic Sphere
97 Wailing Virgin Death
98 Undead Ward
99 Wailing Virgin on Hit
100 Wylfdene's Death 1
101 Wylfdene's Death 2
102 Dragon's Death 1
103 Dragon's Death 2
104 Monster Summoning Circle
105 Animal Summoning Circle
106 Earth Summoning Circle
107 Fire Summoning Circle
108 Water Summoning Circle
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The Dice values can be used to inflict varying damage amounts - eg 2d6 would do 2-12 damage (Damage type is still specified by the 'Type' value).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
1 Abjuration
2 Conjuration
3 Divination
4 Enchantment
5 Illusion
6 Invokation
7 Necromancy
8 Transmutation
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
If the affected creature is undead (general=4) then the creature is also affected by panic.
The Dice values can be used to inflict varying damage amounts - eg 2d6 would do 2-12 damage (Damage type is still specified by the 'Type' value).
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The Dice values can be used to inflict varying damage amounts - eg 2d6 would do 2-12 damage (Damage type is still specified by the 'Type' value).
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Save = Save + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Save = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Save = (Save * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
'Statistic Modifier' can be positive or negative.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Creature Number
Parameter #2: Type
0 MSUMMO1 Monster summoning I
1 MSUMMO2 Monster summoning II
2 MSUMMO3 Monster summoning III
3 MSUMMO4 Monster summoning IV
4 MSUMMO5 Monster summoning V
5 MSUMMO6 Monster summoning VI
6 MSUMMO7 Monster summoning VII
7 ASUMMO1 Animal summoning I
8 ASUMMO2 Animal summoning II
9 ASUMMO3 Animal summoning III
10 GINSECT Giant insect
11 CDOOM Creeping doom
12 MSUMMOM Monster summoning VI (Malavon)
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 Target to Source
1 Source to Target
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 Globe of Invulnerability
1 Shroud of Flame
2 Antimagic Shell
3 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
4 Protection from Normal Missiles
5 Cloak of Fear
6 Entropy Shield
7 Fire Aura
8 Frost Aura
9 Insect Plague
10 Storm Shield
11 Shield of Lathlander
12 Greater Shield of Lathlander
13 Seven Eyes
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 ADEAD Default
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The targeted creature(s) have saving throws and thac0 modified by the value specified by the 'Modifier' field.
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The targeted creature(s) have saving throws and thac0 modified by the value specified by the 'Modifier' field.
Parameter #1: Creature Number
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 SLIZARD Lizardmen
1 STROLLS Trolls
2 SSHADOW Shadow
3 ISTALKE Invisible Stalker
4 CFELEMW Fire elemental (Wizard)
5 CEELEMW Earth elemental (Wizard)
6 CWELEMW Water elemental (Wizard)
7 CFELEMP Fire elemental (Priest)
8 CEELEMP Earth elemental (Priest)
9 CWELEMP Water elemental (Priest)
10 CEELEMM Earth elemental (Malavon)
Parameter #1: Strikes Number
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The affected creature(s) go bersek for the number of attack specified by the 'Strike Number' field, on a failed saving throw vs spells.
Parameter #1: Creature Number
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 SMONSTE Shadow monsters
1 DSMONST Demi-shadow monsters
2 SHADES Shades
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The targeted creature(s) have saving throws and thac0 modified by the value specified by the 'Modifier' field.
Parameter #1: Modifier
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
The targeted creature(s) have saving throws and thac0 modified by the value specified by the 'Modifier' field.
Parameter #1: Duration
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: AC Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Applies the modifier value specified by the 'AC Modifier' field to the category specified by the 'Type' field.
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 All Weapons
1 Crushing
2 Missile
4 Piercing
8 Slashing
16 Base AC setting (sets the targets AC to the value specified by the 'AC Modifier' field -1. If the targets AC is already 'AC Modifier' or below, this effect will do nothing).
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Equipped effects list only
2 Timed effects list only
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Fire Aura
1 Frost Aura
Parameter #1: Duration
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
If called from spin994, the following target types will not be affected (due to an applied Immunity Against Spell effect on them):
Race - fungi
Race - minotaur
Race - golem
State - blind
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Test and set to 0
Parameter #1: Creature Number
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Ally to source
2 Enemy to source
3 Force summon at source
4 Summon Genie
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Opcode
Known values of 'Type' are:
Opcode (0 to 296)
400 Hopelessness
404 Nausea
405 Enfeeblement
412 Control
416 Bleeding Wounds
431 Energy Drain
452 Bane
453 Power Attack
454 Expertise
455 Arterial Strike
456 Hamstring
457 Rapid Shot
Parameter #1: Undefined
Parameter #2: Undefined
Parameter #1: General
Parameter #2: Type
As opcode #5, affecting undead.
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 Charmed (Target neutral after effect end)
1 Charmed (Target hostile after effect end)
2 Dire charmed (Target neutral after effect end)
3 Dire charmed (Target hostile after effect end)
4 Controlled by Cleric
Parameter #1: Number
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Number
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Cumulative Modifier -> Movement = Movement + 'Statistic Modifier' value
1 Flat Value Modifier -> Movement = 'Statistic Modifier' value
2 Percentage Modifier -> Movement = (Movement * 'Statistic Modifier' value) / 100
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Opcode (0 to 296)
400 Hopelessness
404 Nausea
405 Enfeeblement
412 Control
416 Bleeding Wounds
419 Knocked Unconscious
428 Banish
431 Energy Drain
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 LOS Check (parameter 1 is number of seconds)
1 State
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Known values of 'Type' are:
0 Command
1 Rebuke
2 Destroy
3 Panic
4 Dependent on caster
Parameter #1: Damage
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Strref
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default (show strref)
1 Cynicism (show Cynicism strrefs)
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
1-4 Hit Dice: 100% chance of instant death
5 Hit Dice: 95% chance of instant death
6 Hit Dice: 80% chance of instant death
7 Hit Dice: 65% chance of instant death
8-9 Hit Dice: 50% chance of instant death
10 Hit Dice: 35% chance of instant death
11+ Hit Dice: 20% chance of instant death
Outer Planar Creatures:
5% chance of instant death
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Type
These effects could be detected by the gamescript trigger ExtendedStateCheck (see extstate.ids).
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Chaotic Command
1 Miscast Magic
2 Pain
3 Greater Malison
4 Blood Rage
5 Cats Grace
6 Mold Touch
7 Shroud of Flame
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Value
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are:
0 Default
1 Undead
2 Not Undead
3 Fire Using/Dwelling
4 Not Fire Using/Dwelling
5 Humanoid
6 Not Humanoid
7 Animal
8 Not Animal
9 Elemental
10 Not Elemental
11 Fungus
12 Not Fungus
13 Huge Creature
14 Not Huge Creature
15 Elf
16 Not Elf
17 Umber Hulk
18 Not Umber Hulk
19 Half-Elf
20 Not Half-Elf
21 Humanoid or Animal
22 Not Humanoid or Animal
23 Blind
24 Not Blind
25 Cold Using/Dwelling
26 Not Cold Using/Dwelling
27 Golem
28 Not Golem
29 Minotaur
30 Not Minotaur
31 Undead or Fungus
32 Not Undead or Fungus
33 Food
34 Not Good
35 Neutral
36 Not Neutral
37 Evil
38 Not Evil
39 Paladin
40 Not Paladin
41 Same Moral Alignment as Source
42 Not Same Moral Alignment as Source
43 Source
44 Not Source
45 Water Using/Dwelling
46 Not Water Using/Dwelling
47 Breathing
48 Not Breathing
49 Allies
50 Not Allies
51 Enemies
52 Not Enemies
53 Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
54 Not Fire or Cold Using/Dwelling
55 Unnatural
56 Not Unnatural
57 Male
58 Not Male
59 Lawful
60 Not Lawful
61 Chaotic
62 Not Chaotic
63 Evasion Check (Thief)
64 Orc
65 Not Orc
66 Deaf
67 Not Deaf
68 Summoned Creature
69 Not Summoned Creature
70 Mind Flayer
71 Not Mind Flayer
72 Silenced
73 Not Silenced
74 Intelligence < 'Value'
75 Intelligence > 'Value'
76 Intelligence <= 'Value'
77 Intelligence >= 'Value'
78 Bard Skald
79 Not Bard Skald
80 Near Enemies
81 Not Near Enemies
82 Drow
83 Not Drow
84 Gray Dwarf
85 Not Gray Dwarf
86 Daytime
87 Not Daytime
88 Outdoor
89 Not Outdoor
90 Keg
91 Not Keg
92 Outsider
93 Not Outsider
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Golems: Extra 4-11 points of damage, with a 5% chance of insteant death.
Outer Planar creatures: 5% chance of an extra 8-24 points.
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Irrelevant
Parameter #2: Irrelevant
Parameter #1: Value
Parameter #2: Type
Known values for 'Type' are: